Chapter 17

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"I probably hurt him with my words, without me noticing! and that he's just faking that he' isn't hurt!" Kageyama whimpered, they were too stunned to say something. "Hey... Hey Kaggie don't worry i'm sure you didn't hurt him, even if you did i'm sure Miya-san already got over it" Yamaguchi smiled.

"Even so... He won't like me back" Kageyama sniffles trying to wipe his tears but it won't go away and just kept pouring. "We're right here to help you Kaggie, and if he tries to hurt you, we'll go feral on him!" Hinata huffs. "The first thing you should do is stop crying and calm down, we'll get things straight okay?" Tsukishima smiles softly.

"Thanks Kishi... Yams, Yachi and Hina" Kageyama smiles with tears still pouring.

Atsumu saw Kageyama in the cafeteria... Crying hell it fucking worried him so fucking much it being the first he sees Kageyama cry, he finds it cute but he said to himself it wasn't the time to admire how cute he is when he's literally CRYING.

"Tobio... What happened that could've made ya cry?, i swear if it was someone, i'll kill 'em" Atsumu said, getting protective. "I'll just ask 'im later" Atsumu murmured.

Skipping to Tutoring time

"Okay do ya understand it Tobio-kun?" Atsumu asked and looked at Kageyama who looked very dazed it made Atsumu frown. "Hey... Tobio-kun?" Atsumu called, and then Kageyama stops being dazed. "H-Huh?, yeah i understand Miya-san" Kageyama nods, trying to not make eye contact with him.

"Alright if ya say so... By the way Tobio-kun?" Atsumu once again he called for Kageyama, Kageyama hummingin response.

"Why were ya crying earlier?, i saw ya" Atsumu asked worriedly, Kageyama widens and starts to panic. "That... That uh, i was... I was just stressed from college, y-yeah that's right i was stressed" Kageyama laughed awkardly. "...Fuck!, am... Am so sorry Tobio-kun i was probably stressin' ya with my lessons!, am so fuckin' sorry!" Atsumu grits his teeth, it made Kageyama panic even more.

"Wh-What?!, no, no, no! It wasn't you don't... Don't worry!, i'm fine already, you know uh i'm so tired soo uhh i'll see you tomorrow!" Kageyama said hurriedly and pushed Atsumu out of his room and closed the door.

Atsumu was too stunned to speak. "I guess... I'll see ya tomorrow..." Atsumu murmured a bit sad.

A week passes by and Kageyama was avoiding Atsumu because his heart always beats so fast when he's around him, to the point he feels like he's gonna die.

"You know Kageyama... If you keep avoiding him won't do anything!, stop it" Hinata huffs. "Demo... I..." Kageyama sighs. "No buts!, we get it Kags but he'll just think you hate him" Yamaguchi facepalmed.

"Don't worry i'm pretty sure Tsukishima-kun's been there when he was crushing on Kuroo-san!" Yachi giggled, Tsukishima immediately flushed. "H-Hey!, i... I was not!" Tsukishima blushes deep red.

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