chapter 3: the boss

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feeling more human and hooked on her flesh, i lay my heart down with the rest at her feet


The only things that really mattered to you in your apartment were your phone and your laptop, so you shoved those into a backpack, along with some deodorant and your earbuds. The landlord could toss whatever was left when you got evicted.

Frost made a call, and a few minutes later, there was a sleek black car outside your building.

"Come on," he said over his shoulder, so you followed him down and into the car. It wasn't long until you got to a tall building in the middle of the city- one of Gotham's most expensive hotels.

"Here?" You asked. When Frost gave you a questioning look, you elaborated, "Well, I thought he'd be a little more... undercover."

Frost laughed. "That's the first thing you learn, working for the Joker. He'll never do what you expect. He's got his own plan, one he doesn't share, and drags us all along behind him to fulfill it."

"And now me, too."

"Yeah. You too."

You didn't notice much about the inside of the hotel, just that there was a lot of gold going on and you kept getting looks, seeing as you were dripping like a leaky faucet all over the nice floors. You paid the people no attention, though, just followed Frost into the elevator.

You got out on the penthouse floor, because of course that was going to be the floor the Joker was on. There were two thugs holding guns beside the double doors leading inside, but they moved away and let you both through when they saw Frost.

You were barely in the doors when you heard a shout.

"Jonny Jonny!"

A pale man with bright green hair and wearing a purple coat burst out of one of the other rooms. His lips were painted red and his skin was covered in tattoos, his face no exception. You found that you couldn't even look away from him, his presence near magnetic for you.

"Boss," Frost said, a smile on the edge of his lips.

"And who's this?" the Joker asked. His eyes were dark as he gave you a slow, thorough once-over.

"I'm Y/N L/N," you said.

"They helped us deal with the cops," Frost elaborated.

"Really," Joker said, beginning to smile. "And how did you manage that?"

"I, uh, tackled Jim Gordon," you said, looking away from him. He was like the sun- you marveled at him, but you couldn't look him in the eyes for long. His probing gaze made you feel like he was seeing all of you, down to your deepest secrets.

"Did you!" And he laughed. It went on for much longer than socially acceptable and sounded nearly maniacal. It sent shivers down your spine. "Well, check out the balls on you. Jonny?"


"Since you brought them here," Joker said, "Why don't you show them the ropes. Because I get the feeling, Jonny, that- what's your name, again?"

You swallowed hard. "Y/N."

"Thank you," he said. Turning back to Frost, he remarked, "I like this one. But I have a feeling that Y/N isn't as stupid as the rest of the morons I employ."

"So do I, boss," Frost said. He glanced over at you. "We should get you suited up."

You looked at Joker for his opinion, but he was already gone. Frost chuckled.

"That's good," he said. "There're a lot of unspoken rules around here, L/N, and you're learning them already."

"What rules?" You asked.

"That would be telling," he smiled. "I will say this, though- until you get a little higher up the ladder around here, always take what the boss wants into account. It'll save your ass nine times out of ten."

You shoved your hands in your pockets so he wouldn't see you fidgeting with your fingers. "Alright," you agreed. "So. You said something about suiting up?"

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