The Divide

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Yn's POV

"Alright weapon of choice?" Igor looks at the weapons lined up. "Bow and arrow" the curve of my mouth lifts up slightly. "Good choice cause harm from afar. This will be the weapon you will use more often but then we have to do one on one combat in case something happens" He grabs his bow and arrows. "Now everything's going to be quick so you need to be quick" "Of course" He steps a few feet away from me before raising his bow and arrow. I ready myself before the arrow starts flying through the air. I grab it quickly and throw it back at Igor. He moves out of the way but the end still nips him on the cheek. He turns to me and smiles. "again"


As me and Igor finish training, Ubbe decides to show up. "Mind if I join you?" I give him a glance of annoyance. "No we're done" "But I wanted to see first hand of what you're.made of" I look at Igor with a sly smile on my face. "Please Yn just be nice" "Go sit down and watch it you're so worried" He nods and takes his seat. As I reach for my swords he throws an axe at me. "Viking vs Viking" He smirks at me as if he had accomplished something. I chuckle and pick up the axe. "First one to pin the other down is the winner" "you're on"

I predicted his every move. Right, left, right, down, spin and sweep. Vikings usually use Offence instead of defence and that's exactly what he used. I decided to play along with his tactic. I obviously blocked his attempts to attack me and it angered him. I glance over to Igor as his eyes plead for me not to kill him. I look back to Ubbe trying so hard. I thought I would be nice for once. I let him sweep me off my feet and pin me down. His smug face looks down at me. "I guess that means I won" "Torvi's your wife yea?" "yea why?" I kick him in the groin and  roll him off of me. I quickly knock the axe out of his hand and plant my foot on his neck, cutting off his oxygen.

I smirk down at him. "Yn let go! You won!" "Igor-" "Please he isn't the viking you need to finish" I grit my teeth and let him go. As I walk away I hear him get to his feet and walk up behind me. I abruptly stop and punch him in the nose. He stumbles back and I continue to Igor. "Let's go we'll pick up where we left off tomorrow" "thank you .. for not killing him" I ruffle his hair and we head off.


I lean my back on the wall as Igor sits across from me and starts to draw. "Why is it we're in here and not in the throne room?" "Because I don't trust vikings with you" "But we could just-" "Igor I said no" He huffs and gets back to his drawing. Soon after Gunnhild comes in. "Why are you two not at the feast?" Igor gives me a look and I just glare at him. "I'm not going to make unecessary risks" "He wouldn't get hurt-" "You don't know that and I won't risk it" Igor stands up and stands beside Gunnhild. "I'm going in there and you either come with me or not" I raise my eyebrow at him. He finally grew some guts to speak for himself. I shrug my shoulders. "Fine you want to risk your own life you do that but what ever happens I won't be responsible for it" I look Igor dead in the eyes. "You want to stand against me then do that but don't crawl to me when shit goes down"

Igor's expression changes. His front that he put on has now vanished into shame. I look at him as if he were an adult that had just hit a nerve. "So will you be attending the feast without me or stay in here with me the choice is yours" He twiddles with his fingers for a while before he speaks. "I want to have fun and there's no fun in here" on one hand I'm disappointed that he would want to feast with vikings more then hang out with me but on the other I'm proud he is able to use his own voice. He isn't my son I have no control over him and what he does. "Have fun then" I grab the piece of paper he was drawing on and start drawing a picture. "I want you to come Yn please" "I've already been to one feast and I almost drop dead so no Igor I learnt my lesson"

"I'm not choosing side yn-" "Just go Igor I'm finished with this conversation" I stand up and look at him. "Don't worry about me" I head off out the back door and into the night.

Igor's POV

I've never seen her like that before. So careless about my safety. I feel sick to my stomach now that I've made the choice. I was going into the room full of ruthless vikings. I think it was clear to say I didn't think when I made the decision. I just wanted to have fun like I do every winter. But all I am now is frightened of what could happen. "You'll be okay" I look up to see Queen Gunnhild. I don't know if she could ever be trusted but the decision has been made. I needed to trust her. "I know come on" I brace myself as we head through her room and to the throne room. I watch as I get glances from the vikings within the room.

What did I get myself into?

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