Escape & Captured

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Yn's POV

Today was the day that would either end in success or failure. Today we went to war.

I fix up Igor's armour and tighten it just until he can barely breathe. "Alright tell me the plan" "Hide until you come and if found before you, attack until they're dead" "And if there are more people then for you to take on?" He doesn't say a word so I look at him. "I make sure to be kept hidden and move silently" "do you have your back up knife?" He nods his head. "I'm going to be okay" if only I believed that. "I prayed to my gods for you to be safe during and after the war" I lean back and look him over. He steps forward and starts tracing the scars on my face. I smile under his touch and let a tear slip. He kisses the tear away sweetly. "I'm going to be okay" I hold his head in my hands. "I hope so Igor"

I get off the bed and pull up a rug revealing the little hole, fit for Igor. He climbs in and I see his smile one last time. "be safe Yn" I nod and pull the rug over him. I lay it out as if it wasn't touched. I pull the swords on my back and head out. I walk down the roads of an Kattegat only to stop at the dock. Gunnhild comes up beside me. "Honest Answer" she looks at me. "do you think we'll win?"  I shrug my shoulders. "the only thing I know for sure is that I never lose" with that she walks off. I draw my swords out as the boats come slower to the dock. "Athena may you be by my side as I not only fight for me but I fight for Igor"

The boats dock and the war begins. A blur as I would call it. I barely heard the sounds of the viking screaming. But I felt their skin and bone collide with my swords. Blood blurs my vision and I only have the urge to protect Igor. No one will get to him not without going through me first. I snap out of the trance I'm in and take a moment to look around. Body after body are sent to the ground from both sides. But more men are standing on their side then ours. "we're not going to win" I frantically make the decision to retreat back to the great hall. I kill people along the way. My clothes are soaked in the blood of warriors who haven't succeeded in finishing me.

As I enter the great hall my eyes grow wide as Igor is standing in front of me with a man's hand around his throat. "Let him go or you will not see the stars tonight" My breath is shaky but my eyes never leave Igor's. "Kill her already yea?" His men take out their weapons and attack me all at once. Head after head roll until the only one is in the room is me, Igor and the man only known as Ivar the Boneless one. He looks me up and down. "Is he your's?" Igor whimpers as Ivar's hand grips his neck. I rush forward and place my sword on his neck. "Let him go!" "Says who? Hmm? I am now a king who could you possibly be to order me around?"

I push my sword against his neck making him shut up. "Let the boy go" He doesn't move and I grab my pocket knife and stab him in the side. He groans and let's go of Igor. I grab him and we quickly run out of the great hall. I slide my swords into their places on my back and I grab Igor. We make it through the woods and to Floki's old home. "Yn what are we doing here?" "Most nights I would tell you that I was training. I lied. I have been building a boat in order for you to get home safely" I start removing the leaves and pulling it into the water. I grab Igor and place him in the boat. "Everything is easy to use all you have to do is get yourself back to Kiev alright?" He nods before hugging me tight. "I'll come back to you"

I push the boat out as far as I can before he starts rowing. I watch him row away before I hear the horses come closer. I don't bother to fight. I turn around and meet Ivar's eyes. He signals his men after me and before I knew it I get a blow to the head and I'm on the ground.


A bucket of water is splashed over me as I wake. I look at my surroundings to see I'm in the great hall with Ivar sitting on the throne. I try and get to my feet but my wrists and ankles are bound. "So you're the famous Yn" I look up at him in disgust. "So?" He just laughs at my attitude. "So I've heard alot about you, how you never lose-" "and I don't plan on breaking it" He laughs even harder this time. "Do you not see what position you are in?" "I do but I don't think you know who you're dealing with-"

"But I do"

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