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"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)" (Y/n) started "And I'm Hailee Steinfeld." Hailee added. "And today we are doing the wired autocomplete interview." (Y/n) finished. "I'm a little scared." Hailee mumbled while taking the first board. "I'm excited. This sounds fun. I've never done one of these before." (Y/n) mentioned before Hailee corrected herself. "No, I'm excited." She mentioned before getting ready to peel off the first question. "Let's go." She mumbled while peeling off the question.

"First question is, how is Hailee Steinfeld? I don't really know how to answer this. I'm, how am I? Yeah I'm good." She stuttered over her answer while nodding. "Yeah, you're great. They just want to know how you're doing." (Y/n) added, making her nod in agreement. "How tall is Hailee Steinfeld?" Hailee read off the question. "This is where I lie and say five seven when really I'm like five six." She whispered and winked before going back to the board. "You're taller in pictures. Like you don't look five six or five seven in pictures." (Y/n) brought up. "Well that's because I'm wearing heels in most photos." She mentioned and ripped off the next question while he hummed in agreement.

"Was Hailee Steinfeld in Harry Potter?" She read. "No, is that like- do people think that? I wish." She answered and ripped off the next piece of tape. "What is Hailee Steinfeld doing now?" She read off the board. "That's easy, you're doing a wired autocomplete interview with your boyfriend. Simple as that." (Y/n) blurted out. "Yeah, currently right this second I am sitting here talking to you." She answered and threw the first board away. "My turn!" (Y/n) cheered, getting his board.

"First question, is (Y/n) (L/n) tall?" He read out, chuckling at the end. "I like to think so. I mean I'm taller than Hailee so, yeah." (Y/n) answered. "You're not that much taller than me!" She added, and he nodded. "Yeah but I am still taller." He stuck his tongue out at her in a joking manner, making them both laugh. "Next question, is (Y/n) (L/n) in Harry Potter?" He read off, a look of confusion on his face. "No, why do people think that? I was like five when those movies came out, definitely not in them." He responded. "We both seem to be qualified for the Harry Potter roles." Hailee giggled, and he smiled at her. "Alright, is (Y/n) (L/n) single?" He read and shook his head. "Nope. Sorry ladies, I'm not single. My girlfriend is literally sitting right next to me." He confirmed, and Hailee tilted her head to give a smile to the camera. "Is (Y/n) (L/n) in marvel?" He read the question and nodded. "Yes! I play Tony Stark's son Lucas, also known as fireball. You should definitely watch the movies, I'm a pretty cool hero." He agreed before realizing he was out of questions.

"Alright, back to you now Haiz." (Y/n) threw his board away before Hailee got her new one. "Does Hailee Steinfeld have a child?" She read, making (Y/n) burst into laughter. "Not that I'm aware of. I do not have a child." She mumbled. "Does Hailee Steinfeld write her own songs?" She announced. "I do. Music is a huge, huge part of my life and I love that I'm able to use that as an outlet of self expression in a way that I don't necessarily or can't really do in my acting. Um, my music is me and it's only getting more real so um, very excited for people to hear how much of myself is in these songs." She answered honestly. "Trust me, they're very good. It's amazing." (Y/n) told the camera. "Thank you." She smiled at him, and he smiled back at her.

"Does Hailee Steinfeld have siblings?" She read. "I have one older brother and he is quite possibly the best older brother on the planet. His name is Griffin, he is twenty five and truly my best friend and has been the greatest role model in my life. You get to sort of watch your older sibling go through life and make mistakes and learn from them so you don't necessarily make the same one and that's kind of an amazing thing and an unfortunate thing for them in a sense but uh, he is so wonderful and has sacrificed so much for me to be able to do what I love and is just so supportive and Griffin I love you. That's about all the nice things I'll say about you for the rest of the year." She explained. "My brother sent me to the hospital after he pushed me down the stairs and I broke my arm. He still thinks it's funny now and hasn't apologized. I was seven and he was ten." (Y/n) mumbled, making Hailee turn to him. He just shrugged after seeing her confused look and went back to her board.

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