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(Doing something a bit different but hopefully you like the writing style!)

(Y/n) POV

Hailee and I were making out on the couch in our house. She was straddling me and we were both about to go further when an air horn went off.

"Griffin!" Hailee shouted, a bit irritated at him for ruining the moment and also in surprise. "You might want to cover that." Hailee whispered to me and motioning to my lap.

I grabbed the closest pillow and put it on my lap just before Griffin walked over to us. "This is for you." He told me, handed me an envelope.

"Who's it from?" Hailee asked as I read over the letter. It was a invitation to my high school reunion, the only issue was who was hosting it. My high school bully, Shawn. I threw the letter out in the nearest trash can without saying anything.

Hailee picked it up and read it anyway. "You were invited to your high school reunion!" She squealed. "I'm not going. Shawn will be there." I mumbled, taking the letter from her. Hailee already knew all about Shawn.

"So? You can show everyone who bullied you who you are now. One hundred times more successful than them and engaged to the one and only Hailee Steinfeld." She shared, wiggling her fingers to show off the stunning turquoise gem ring on her finger.

"Fine. I'll go." I grumbled, getting up and leaving the room.

A week later it was time for the reunion. I was a bit nervous about going but Hailee was always quick to say that she would be there for me and it wouldn't be that bad. I decided to wear my old football jacket since a few of my football friends were wearing theirs. I was the kicker.

We both walked into the school gym to see it all decked out with fancy decorations. There were a bunch of tables with peoples names on them for them to sit in and Hailee and I quickly found our table. Luckily we were sitting with most of my friends.

I caught a glimpse of Shawn and decided to walk the other way and find the closest alcoholic drink. I got myself a beer and got another one for Hailee and walked back to give it to her.

"(Y/n) (L/n)! How nice to see you!" My old English teacher announced. "Hey Mrs White!" I waved before introducing Hailee. "Hailee, this is my favorite English teacher. Mrs White, this is my fiancé Hailee." I introduced the both of them as they shook hands.

"It's very nice to meet you." Hailee told her. "It's nice to meet you too. (Y/n) was one of my honors students." Mrs white told her. "I always knew he was a talented actor. We used to act out Shakespeare scenes when we read the plays. He was very talented. And now look at him! He's in marvel! And he's done Shakespeare adaptations! It was also very nice to see him star in Romeo and Juliet. We acted that play out too, so when his movie came out I made sure to watch it in class with my current students. " Mrs White rambled.

Eventually Mrs White went to talk to some other students. Hailee and I were talking to a few of my friends, she had met them before, when we were rudely interrupted.

"Well, if it isn't  (Y/n) (L/n)! The lonely loser!" A menacing voice boomed out. I knew who it was instantly and chugged the rest of my beer, making some of my friends laugh. "Shawn, how not nice to see you." I mumbled.

"I can't believe you even showed up! You think your so cool, we all know those pictures of you and that hottie Hailee Steinfeld are fake. She's so hot, there's no way she would ever go for you!" He taunted. I didn't even realize my hand was shaking until Hailee intertwined her hand with mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"They're actually not fake. And please do not call me that or talk about me like that." Hailee interrupted. "He's paying you isn't he? Is that it? He's such a lonely loser he has to be paying you. There's no way you could possibly date him if he didn't pay you. Whatever it is I'll double it." Shawn continued. I had a burst of confidence and decided to speak up.

"I'm the loser? Last time I checked I was acting in movies for marvel, one of the biggest movie franchises in the world, and you were working a dead end customer service job? Not to mention you have three kids with your high school girlfriend that you refuse to parent and barely send child support, and on top of that you're only twenty three. Oh and you still live in your mothers basement." I told him, and he just looked shocked.

"Yeah Shawn! You need to pay child support!" Kelsey, his high school girlfriend, shouted. "I want my money! They're your kids too!" She continued, making him go red.

"He's right you know." Hailee smirked. "I also don't like you speaking to my fiancé that way." She added. Shawn scoffed before speaking again. "He's paying you. It's not like you actually love him. I can double it. I'll double whatever he's giving you." He mumbled.

"No, he's not paying me. I'm with him because he's the kindest man I've ever met and he makes me very happy. A lot of people ask me why I'm dating someone three years younger than me but I don't care about that, all I care about is how kind he is to me. Besides with the way your life is right now, I doubt you have the money to pay me to date you." Hailee rambled.

Before Shawn could say anything the principal came on stage announcing the awards. "First off, the most successful award goes to..." he started and opened the letter. "(Y/n) (L/n)!" He announced. I stood there for a second in utter shock before my friends pushed me and broke me out of it.

I walked up the stage as everyone cheered and stepped onto the podium. "Who's the loser now Shawn? Not me!" I shouted while everyone cheered. "But anyway, it's time for thank yous. Thank you to all of my friends and my teachers. Special shout-out to Mrs White cause she got me into acting when we did Shakespeare. Also special thank you to Hailee because I wouldn't be where I am now without her, love you Hailee. Yeah, that's about it. Thanks guys." I went off the stage after my speech and made sure to give Shawn the finger.

We left the reunion soon after that. Hailee had to be the designated driver since I drank a few beers but she was fine with that. I put my most successful award with my other awards and then got ready for bed.

Tonight was really fun. I got to show off Hailee to everyone, and get my revenge on Shawn for the four years of bullying.

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