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Today was Hailees birthday and so (Y/n) decided to go all out today. Before she could wake up he went downstairs and went out to get a bunch of balloons. When he got back he set them all up downstairs in the living room so she would see them when she came down.

"Happy birthday!" (Y/n) shouted once he saw Hailee walk downstairs. She smiled at him and wrapped her arms around him. "Thank you." She mumbled before he pulled her into a kiss. "You're twenty five! How does it feel?" He asked. "Same as twenty four." She replied.

There was another surprise waiting for her and that was at her parents house. They were throwing her a surprise party after (Y/n) suggested it, and it was his job to keep her busy until it was ready. "So, today is all about you. What do you want to do first?" He asked her. "Breakfast." She responded. (Y/n) grabbed his car keys and they both left the house to go get some breakfast.

After a wonderful breakfast they arrived back home and decided to go take martini out for a walk. They spent a half hour going for a walk around the neighborhood before returning home. "Now what do you want to do?" (Y/n) asked. She thought about it for a minute before answering. "Write some new music?" She offered. He agreed and they both went into the home studio and started writing.

An hour later (Y/n) had gotten a text from Hailee's brother, Griffin, telling him that they were ready for her. "Okay Hailee, let's go. I have a great idea!" He told her, jumping out of his seat and trying to get her into the car to go to her parents house. "What is it?" She asked. "It's a surprise! Now let's go!" He shared, pulling her up and taking her to the car.

"Where are we going?" She asked again once the lovers left the house. "We're going to...the park." (Y/n) lied, trying to keep the surprise party a surprise. "Okay." She whispered and stopped asking questions.

"This isn't the park." Hailee pointed out once (Y/n) had parked the car at her parents house. After a quick text telling griffin they were here, (Y/n) got out of the car. "They wanted us to come and say hi. It'll be quick, I promise." He lied again, still trying to keep the party a secret until she walked inside.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted once Hailee walked inside. She stood there shocked until her family gave her a hug, with (Y/n) taking pictures and videos of her reaction. "Thank you!" She thanked her parents and brother while hugging them even tighter. "Thank (Y/n), it was his idea." Griffin added.

Hailee broke the hug and walked over to her boyfriend before giving him a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed his lips to her cheek, before she connect their lips in a kiss.

"Thank you." Hailee mumbled after they broke apart. "I'm glad you like it." (Y/n) responded. They both went off to talk to people and have some drinks, and (Y/n) got to meet all of Hailee's aunts, uncles and cousins.

The cake was brought out soon after and everyone crowded around to sing happy birthday. Once Hailee blew out the candles they cut the cake so everyone could have some. After everyone had enough cake the party was nearing an end.

"I have your birthday gift at home." (Y/n) whispered to Hailee, giving her a wink. She smirked and went back to her conversation, eager to end the party and receive her gift.

When the two lovers came home, let's just say things got hot and steamy and the night ended with clothes scattered all around the bedroom and only a bedsheet covering their bare bodies. It was an amazing end to Hailee's birthday, and she had really enjoyed her entire day.

(Double update in honor of Hailee's birthday! Happy birthday Hailee!)

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