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(Y/n) POV:

Hailee and I were going to Miami to see the Grand Prix. Griffin was going as well because obviously how could he not come along?

"Now I want you two to not be all lovey dovey in the back of the car." Griffin warned us in a joking tone as we got into the car. We were currently on the way to the hotel. "Just drive." Hailee mumbled and waved him off while leaning into me. I poked my tongue out at him through the mirror and he laughed before starting the car.

When we arrived at the hotel we dropped our bags off before going right to the racetrack. When we got back to the car we saw two new fancy cars waiting for us. "Oh my god." I mumbled while staring at the green sports car. "Do we get to drive this?!" I asked and the manager nodded. "Holy shit." Griffin whispered and jumped in one car. Hailee and I got in the other and we were on our way.

Hailee set her phone on the dashboard to record some of the journey while I drove this amazing car. "Can we get one of these? Please?" I asked her when we were at a red light. "Maybe." She shrugged. Good enough for me.

"This is so cool!" Hailee shouted once we got to the racetrack. "I know!" Both Griffin and I shouted back. We went through the crowds of people and into a private room with many other people and celebrities.

"Serena Williams?!" I shouted in shock at the celebrity in front of me. "(Y/n) (L/n)?!" Serena shouted back. "Oh my god, Serena Williams know who I am." I mumbled to myself but everyone around me heard it and laughed.

Hailee did some promo stuff quickly with Heineken while I talked to some people before going to the track. I got to look around at some cars and learn how some of their engines work.

"I think I should be a racecar driver." I decided. "Maybe. I'm sure you've got some connections." One of the racers told me. Hailee was with griffin talking to other racers while I got to look at the different cars.

Eventually they were about to start so we had to get off the track and go where it was safe. We stood by the fence and watched the cars get ready while chatting with a few other people. I put on my hat since the sun was getting in my eyes and I forgot my sunglasses.

Once the race started Hailee and I both were completely mesmerized in what was going on while Griffin was fangirling over cars.

When the race was over for the day we went back to the hotel to change our clothes and get ready for dinner at a party. Before we left though we had a quick makeout session which was interrupted by Griffin banging on our hotel door.

The rest of the night was pretty fun and eventually our makeout session was continued and escalated back in the hotel room.

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