Trouble (3)

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(You might want to read the previous part to refresh your mind! Happy reading!)

"Right. And after that?" Kate asked, handing the dogs leash to (Y/n). "We'll need some supplies."

"Hell yeah, Avenger's supplies?" Kate asked.

The three of them ended up at a corner store buying antibiotics and in (Y/n)'s case a bag of goldfish crackers.

"Not gonna lie, this is a bit of a letdown." Kate shared. "Do you want some?" (Y/n) asked, offering a cracker to Kate. She shook her head and (Y/n) gave it to the pizza dog instead. "Sorry to disappoint you." Clint fake apologized.

After they had left the store, Kate had a place where they could hide out. "Well, it's my aunt's place. She's in Florida for the winter." She told them while picking the lock. Once they got inside Kate and (Y/n) settled in before Clint went back to Kate's apartment to get the suit and then his hotel. He was sending the kids back home the next day and wanted to spend time with them before he left.

(Y/n) was playing with pizza dog while Kate was on the phone with her mom. Clint came back into the apartment and Kate hung up the phone soon after.

"Since when did people start saying I love you to people all the time?" Clint asked, making (Y/n) roll his eyes. "That was my mom. Since when did your heart shrink three sizes?" Kate snapped back.

"When a little girl in a ninja costume and (Y/n) stole my Christmas." Clint responded. "You're the one who invited me here! On your family vacation and this!" (Y/n) responded. "And I wish I didn't. Would've been much easier if I only had one of you to deal with." Clint snapped. "Could've told me to go home then." He mumbled. "There's no point now, you don't have anywhere to go anyway."

(Y/n) just looked down and started to mess with the end of his shirt, Kate watching him with a frown. She knew Clint had gone too far, but decided not to say anything because she didn't want to make it worse.

Kate stood up and walked over to the table, Clint looking confused at the pizza box on her head. "What?" He asked. "Multitasking. Reducing swelling, thawing out Pizza dog's breakfast." She explained.

"Is that the dog's name?" Clint asked. "He doesn't have a name. It's more of a title of nobility. Like the Earl of Sandwich." She explained. Clint got a call from his wife and left the room quickly, leaving (Y/n) and Kate alone.

"How's your wound?" (Y/n) asked. "Alright. It still hurts a little bit." She answered, taking the pizza box off her head to reveal the bandage on her forehead, "Oh shit." (Y/n) mumbled, seeing how she had put the bandage on. "What?" She asked. "Did you clean it?" He questioned. "Yeah." She answered.

"You did it wrong. Here, let me help you fix it." (Y/n) told her while getting up and going to clean it up. "It's on wrong, I'm just gonna rip it off. It might hurt a bit." He warned before ripping it off. Kate groaned at the pain but quickly brushed it off. "Now, I'm gonna clean it up." He shared while taking a qtip and brushing it on the cut. "You don't want it infected, it really hurts when it does." He whispered. "Well this one isn't so bad, but you did alright." He added, now both of them getting very close to each other. "You have to put the bandages perpendicular to each other so they can close easier." He shared, putting the bandage on carefully.

"Thanks." She whispered. "No problem." He smiled, not moving from his spot. They both stood there awkwardly for a second before they both leaned in closer and connected their lips. The kiss wasn't long, only two or three seconds. Both of them pulled away with their cheeks as red as a tomato. "Right, um, I'm gonna go give pizza dog his breakfast." He whispered before walking off with the pizza, turning back around to smile at Kate before he left.

Clint came back into the room and Kate instantly started asking questions. "Did you find the suit?" She asked, and he shook his head. "But you have a lead right?" She continued. "What makes you say that?" He questioned, with no answer being given. He noticed a drawing next to him and picked it up.

"What's this?" He asked. "Oh, I started to describe what I could remember of the tracksuit's faces." She told him while he looked through it. "I guess you're not an art major." He joked.

"I would offer to buy you a hotel ,uh cause from certain angles I know this looks like all my fault, um but my mom cancelled my credit cards due to the whole clock tower." She told him. "That's fine. I'm just gonna be another minute kid." He answered.

"Okay. Thank you. I'll um, see you tomorrow I guess." She mumbled before going into a spare room. She walked in and saw (Y/n) lying on the bed asleep. She internally groaned since there were only two rooms, the one Clint was in, and this one.

Kate took a spare pillow and put it in the middle of the two of them before lying on the other side of the makeshift barrier. She turned to look at (Y/n) and smiled before closing her eyes. She was more than ready to get some sleep after this whole adventure. And it wasn't even nearly over.

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