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General Ross doesn't expect to return to his office to find me lounging in his chair, feet propped up on the desk like I own the place, but I need to let him know just who is pulling the strings for this deal. On seeing him open his mouth to call for security when he walks through the door, I put my finger to my lips, letting out a little 'shhh' before opening my jacket to reveal just what weapons I have on me that could take him out in one strike.

I wouldn't even have to move from my spot. Just one swift move and he'd be on the floor bleeding out. 

The temptation is sweet, but this man has a contract for me, so it's worth sticking around for the time being just to see who I'm to eliminate.

Immediately the General closes the door and turns to me. "You could've used the front door."

"Too easy, plus I find that the back entry to these types of buildings is inconspicuous enough, especially when you know security will take one look at you and be on your ass." I tell him, studying my nails.

Ross crosses his arms with a flicker of annoyance shooting across his face, "Now why doesn't that surprise me?"

"It wasn't meant to." I shrug, "Besides, you literally gave me a contract booty call so I'm assuming that you have a target for me to take care of?"

He nods. "More like a thorn in my side, has been since he upped and ran with his friends." rounding the desk, he opens a drawer next to me and pulls out a file. "This could be a tough one for you, but I know you'll get the job done whatever the cost."

He passes the file to me, and I open it, chuckling slightly as my eyes see the picture of the man who I'm to kill. Is he serious? This is going to take weeks of tracking along with hours of travelling. "This one is certainly some wishful thinking General" and I chuck the file back down onto the desk. "You're asking me to kill an Avenger."

"Not something that your many talents can muster?" He looks a little smugly at me. The comment is clearly made to irk me, and it does. I'm not saying I'm the best, but I still do a very thorough job however big or small. "Look, I got your details from someone who I know, from what I hear your work is clean and professional."

"No assassination is ever clean, just the shot or how the final blow is delivered."

Ross is intrigued, "And how did a girl like yourself get caught up working in this field of expertise?"

I'm not about to launch into my backstory, especially not to Ross. it shows that the guard is being let down, and will give any potential enemy information that could be used to blackmail or manipulate me. "'A girl like me' doesn't talk about her life." I hit back. 

"So can you do it?"

He wants an answer. Yes or no, so you'd better tell him quick Aster otherwise you could lose this contract to someone who could balls up the job. Plus the money he's offering is too tempting to ignore, I think to myself. 

"He's a super solider...I'd have thought you'd want him in custody rather than dead?" This is something that I'm questioning. Captain Rogers was declared a fugitive months ago and was to be brought into custody should he be apprehended, now suddenly he just wants to put out a hit on him? It's strange.

"I have my reasons Miss Hart. But I'm not about to disclose those to you. I'm sure that you can understand why." He's not giving anything away, but there's a certain hatred to his words that lets on his true feelings towards the Captain.

Oh how the mighty have fallen...

Of course Ross is entitled to his opinion as well as his reasons for wanting the Cap dead, after all the Avengers were the ones who were causing more collateral damage than they needed to. Everyone knows about Sokovia, New York and the devastation that occurred in Lagos being the recent one. Still, I can't help but wonder whether his refusal to sign the accords is something to kill him over. He's not put out a hit on Black Widow or Falcon? Still, I can always ask my contacts whether they've had contracts come in for them, no problem.

I nod at his earlier words. "I thought you were squeaky clean...but I suppose this is politics. You've probably had your fingers in a few pies to get where you are now." I know he's done some shady shit. It's obvious just by looking at him. I make a mental note to myself to have a little look into Ross' past.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He now becomes defensive.

"Nothing, just a mere observation." I smile sweetly. "I can eliminate your target, but it may take a while. I mean, do you even know where he is?"

Ross grits his teeth. "If I knew where he was then we wouldn't be sat here discussing this would we?"

I click my fingers, "Well I suppose I shall have some detective work to do on this one. It could take a while, but I'll regularly check in and update you with my progress." He has no way of really contacting me unless it's the way he did to summon me here. The black market comes in handy for technology to eliminate all traces of where I've been or can be located.

"Make sure that you do. Captain Rogers needs to die."

"And he will." My smile tightens. As soon as I get my money from this man then I'm sticking a bullet in him. "I'll make sure of that." Getting up from the chair, I brush past him. "I'll see myself out" Taking the way I came in and telling Ross that I'll be in touch with him. 

A new moving target. I'll have to start this one right away, but Mr America had better watch his back, because there isn't anyone who I can't find... 

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