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He pulls me into him and silences me with a kiss, his fingers finding the waistband of my PJ shorts and pulling them off swiftly before lifting me up and onto him with skill. "Top off..." he says against my lips.

There's no going back and I can feel myself become wetter on every word he says. "Now." the command is firm, and I lift my arms up so he can drag it up and take it off.

I can feel him pressed hard against me, just his touch will end up soaking me right through and he tugs his top up and over his head, chucking it somewhere in the same direction he'd done with mine moments before.

"I don't treat you like a kid." He growls slightly as he remembers my earlier words. "Tell me this is me treating you like a kid."

At this moment all the air has escaped my lungs. His hands push my underwear to the side and his fingers slowly work their magic, circling my clit and rendering me speechless for probably the first time since we met.

"Now who's lost for words..." Steve smirks into my mouth trailing his kiss down to my collarbone, teeth scraping gently over my skin as I move against his hand. "Sweetheart I may be a 'pensioner' to you, but I know exactly what you want..."

Oh dear lord...

"D-do you?" I groan, not wanting him to stop his hand from literally breaking me down into a million pieces.

Being a fugitive has paid off in his attitude. "I'm gonna drag orgasm after orgasm outta you, find out what makes you tick. You're gonna regret talking back to me with that smart ass little mouth of yours. You could put it to use in other ways."


"Captain." He corrects me.

"Captain I..." I really, really need to finish and I don't care whether it's like a waterfall or not. This man is making me lose my damn mind.

"Shhhh." He silences me with his free hand, bringing a finger to rest on my lips. "You're so close but you're not having the privilege. Not yet..." and then moves down to take one of my breasts into his mouth and tease me more with that offending tongue of his. "You know what kept me going on that damn mission Fury sent me on?"

I shake my head as his hand speeds up against my centre, "N-no?"

"Coming back here and doing exactly this to you. You've been driving me fucking crazy from the moment we met."

My eyes meet his and now I smirk, finally finding use of my vocabulary for a rare moment. "Language Captain." I can't let him have all the dominance, however much he wants it and despite how good it feels. "Stop...because if you don't I'm about to finish all over you..."

"Not. Yet." He takes his hand away and almost immediately I'm pinned under him against the mattress. His eyes are staring down into my own with pure fire behind them.

He wants me, and he's going to have me now.

Steve pulls my legs apart and discards his own PJ bottoms, caging me underneath him. If this man doesn't rail me in the next ten seconds I'm getting on him and doing it myself. "What are you going to do to me, Captain?" I add the last part as he wished.

"You're about to find out, we're only just getting started."

Yep. My knickers are well and truly soaked.

"I don't have as much stamina. You may be able to go all night but I'm not a super solider." I state the obvious, but he doesn't seem to care about this.

"No, but we can work on that. Now lie back and keep those legs of yours open for me." Then he disappears between them. My back arches as I feel his tongue begin to tease where his fingers had been minutes ago. His beard scratching against my thighs, leaving the skin burning at the friction. "Shit..." My hands run through his hair, tugging it gently as his tongue only moves deeper the harder I do so. "Oh god Steve..." He says nothing but continues his slow and pleasurable torture until I can feel the familiar high building. "Ugh...where the hell did you even learn to do this?" I manage to rasp out.

I can hear the low rumble of a chuckle and then he stops, lifting his head as I take a moment to savour the air that I've forgotten to breathe in. "I was in the army remember?" and then laughs to himself. "And before that on the USO tour. You pick up a few things along the way..."

It begin to wonder just what other kind of things he 'picked up', other than women. That bit is obvious.

He's back up and trailing kisses up my stomach until he reaches my lips again. "People assume I'm this 'good boy' who does as he's told, but I'm not like that. I'm a far cry from who I was at the beginning." He now mutters, "Star spangled man with a fucking plan – yeah right."

I run my hand around to the back of his head, fingers tugging gently again at his hair. "Well then you'd best show me just how far from being a good boy you truly are." I whisper into his ear and his lips crash onto mine again, tongue savouring my mouth as I can feel the tip of him brush against me.

"You're gonna take all of me..."

I nod and shift slightly as he then slides into me. I arch my back more, trying to get used to his size and for him to move deeper. "Oh shit..."

He grunts a little at the connection. "God, sweetheart you're taking me so well and we've barely begun."

It's like we were made for one another...

"I want all of you..." I'm fully aware that I'm begging. Something I'm not accustomed to, but for him? I would be on my knees pleading if it meant I got this kind of pleasure and more every time.

Steve smirks and moves into me more until he's fully inside and then thrusting into me hard. It manages to take my breath away as I move under him, finally finding the perfect pace for us. His forehead rests against mine, bodies moving together until he suddenly hits the spot. I let out a small moan and he breathlessly lifts my chin so I'm looking at him.

"That's your spot isn't it? Right..."

One thrust.



I nod, once again my words are all but non-existent at this stage. I have to have some control, and within a matter of seconds I move so I'm now back on top of him as he sits up and keeps me steady with both hands firmly on my hips. 

"Please..." Finally. The only word I'm capable of saying at the moment has found its escape from my mouth.

"Please what?" He presses, knowing exactly what I want.

"Please let me cum."

He says nothing for a moment as his thrusts become quicker. He's close. I can feel him all but ready to explode. "Go on then sweetheart..."

The orgasm that washes over me as I ride this out is the most intense I've experienced, and I feel Steve release deep into me, both of us panting as we come down from our high.

I feel like all the energy I had has drained from me, and collapse next to him after I get off his lap. I really have no idea what the hell just happened, but it was worth it.

Steve regains his breath and turns his head to look across at me. "Answer me again. Was that me treating you like a kid?"

I shake my head. "No, Captain..."

"Good. Now you'd better catch your breath, because I told you I'd drag a good few orgasms from you tonight and that's exactly what I'm gonna do."

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