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I've never been in this position before. Any different situation and I'd class being tied up as kinky, but not this. Not when I'm bound within an inch of my life to make sure that I can't free myself, that and I'm literally dangling from the roof inside an abandoned warehouse, slowly spinning like some rotisserie chicken as my target is circling me.

Upon first glance, you wouldn't recognise Steve Rogers. He's now sporting a beard, usually coiffed hair a little dishevelled. He's not the man who he once was. In fact he looks like he's just tired of the world and its bullshit. Understandable. I note that where his star once adorned his chest, is now obviously gone. Suit sleeves rolled up. This man is really rocking the whole fugitive look.

I am a complete idiot for thinking that I could take on a super solider, especially him. Perhaps the whole idea of adding it to my assassin cv was the most tempting part. But I screwed up and now here I am as the prisoner.

He pulls the mask that obscures my face from recognition, and his expression falters slightly on seeing that I am indeed female, and not a guy. "You've gotta be shitting me" he mutters to himself and throws my mask to one side.

"Surpriiiiiiise." I say with no enthusiasm whatsoever.

He says nothing.

Looks like I'm the one who's going to have to make the small talk then. 

"Sooooo, you into tying women up like this often?" I ask smoothly as he ponders on what to do with me. "Oh wait...here I go...give me juuuuust a minute." I tell him as I keep rotating out of his view until finally coming back around to him again.

"Shut up." Comes his reply.

Woah. Smoulder alert.

"I'm just thinking that so many women would kill to be in my position right now."

"And you'd know all about killing wouldn't you?" He walks towards me and now stops me from spinning. Face close to my own. I can see the fire in his eyes as they pierce through mine. "I'm gonna ask you this once. Who sent you?"

"Does it matter? You kind of won the fight." I point out the obvious. 

"To you it will." He glares. "You tried to take a shot. You lost – now give me some answers or you're not gonna leave here alive. I'm not messing around."

Ok, Cap has really gone rogue.

"Better prepare my body bag then." I tell him, "I'm all about confidentiality in my line of work." He crosses his arms and takes a few steps back, looking me up and down. "Like what you see Captain?"

"Do you honestly find this whole thing funny?"

"I fucked up my assassination, I'm more annoyed at myself rather than anything. Years of great hits under my belt and now because of you my reputation is up in smoke, but I'm not going to cry about it." I pout. "Look, this is new for me – I haven't assassinated a super solider before, I think we can class this as teething problems on my part."

Steve's still looking at me. "You from an organisation?"

"Nope. Freelance. If you dabble in the black market you'll usually find my services are hired through there."

"So who hired you?"

"I already told you about confidentiality..." He grabs my face now. Not hard enough to do any damage but to prove a point that he could probably snap me. Soon enough he lets go. "I'll admit though, I'm still a little confused as to why the person who ordered your hit wants you dead rather than alive."

"Well perhaps if you enlightened me on who it is then I'd be able to tell you" Steve says through gritted teeth. "You said yourself that you're leaving in a body bag, so you may as well just come right out with it, otherwise I'll just leave you to hang here until you decide you wanna talk."

Nomad (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now