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I'm sat with Clint and Rhodey wondering what the hell is going on as Thor is talking complete crap about something that none of us can quite understand. All I know is that it involves the stones and where they could potentially be located and what year. We're talking about going back in history here, and I feel like a fish out of water. Thankfully I'm not alone, Scott Lang also has never encountered them. 

"You see she stuck her hand inside this rock one time and then the Aether stuck itself inside of her..." Thor is now side tracking slightly.

Clint side eyes me while I end up mouthing 'what the fuck?' to which he shrugs. Steve is looking just as clueless or perhaps is screaming on the inside (I can't quite tell), Tony is wishing he could be somewhere else and in the corner a talking raccoon (who Tony mistook for a Build A Bear) is face palming. 

I'd be lying if I said that this wasn't the weirdest situation that I've ever been in. "Ok, awesome...eggs? breakfast?" Tony now tries to wrap up the 'story', giving his friend a clap on the back.

"No, I would like a Bloody Mary." 

The God of Thunder really has let himself go these last five years. 

"O....kaaaaay. Come on, sit down." Tony steers Thor back to his chair and turns to us. "Let's take a break..." 

"We've only just started." Nat puts in while she finishes making notes about the stone on her flip pad. 

"Yeah but after that I need a drink." Tony mutters 

"Oh good, we're on the same page!" Thor says cheerfully from his seat. 

In the end Steve gets up from where he's perched on the edge of the table. "Yeah, Tony's right, we need to take a break, let's come back to it this afternoon, carry on finishing up with the machine." and calls time on the meeting. 

I puff my cheeks out and exhale while we all disperse from the room. "This could take a while..." Steve says as he massages his forehead. "With only one round trip of Pym particles we need to choose wisely." 

"It's not like we're running on borrowed time, we just need to do this right, map out when, where and then go get them - sounds so easy." 

"Nothing's ever easy. Not when it comes to us." Steve looks back at the others who are heading in different directions. Thor obviously making for the kitchen to try and find some alcohol.  Turning back to me, he takes me to one side. "You don't have to get involved." 

"What you mean is you don't want me to get involved." I correct him and sigh. "I'm doing this whether you like it or not, we're not fugitives anymore, you don't need to keep an eye on me." 

"I'm not, I'm trying to protect you."

I shake my head. "You don't need to though."

"Yes I do, Aster."  He grabs my arm in desperation. "We can't do this, not again." 

I pull him down into a long kiss before breaking apart from him. "You can't convince me otherwise. I'm doing this whether you like it or not." He has to accept this and eventually he does with a small nod. "Steve..." I whisper, "You of all people know that I'm capable of taking care of myself - we're going in groups, pairs - I'll be ok." 

"I know, I know." He agrees. "I've only just got you back, I can't risk losing you again." 

If things were casual between us before, they certainly aren't now. Not after everything.  We've had five years apart to really confirm where we now stand with one another. If we can bring everyone back and return the world to how it was? Perhaps we could have a future. No one's hunting us down, things could be so much easier. 

I say that, but I forget that this man is Captain America. He'll always be called upon to help and i'm always at risk of losing him - super soldier or not. 

"You know how I feel..." He admits which throws me off guard. We've never properly admitted it, or even spoke of it really. 

At this I run my hand down his cheek. "and I feel it too." He has to know that I want him. Only him. 

Thor now comes stomping down the hallway interrupting our moment. "Can either of you make a decent Bloody Mary?" He now points to me and Steve, moving his finger from one of us to the other. He's dosed up on a mix of eye drops and alcohol, pushing his sunglasses back up his nose as the light hits his eyes. 

"I'll deal with him, you hide the drink stash he brought with him." I mutter to Steve and steer Thor back to the kitchen. "Come on thunderstruck, lets get you that drink." 

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