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We know our teams, where we're going and what we need to do. Now all we need are the stones. This damn time travel suit is so tight I'm wishing that I'd worn a thong instead. No matter though, we have more to worry about than my discomfort right now.

"You sure this thing won't blow up on us Stark?" I say as we all get onto the machine

"Damn Kill Bill really does have ye little faith." Tony mocks, "It's fine, it'll get us from A to B and back again."

"I'm gonna overlook the fact that you just called me 'Kill Bill' I glare.

Thor leans in. "It's ok, he calls me Point Break."

"Whatever let's just get on with it." I give up as Steve turns to me with a look. "I'll be ok, I'm with Clint and Nat."

"Just...be careful, ok?"

I lean into him out of earshot of the others feeling this is the right time to just say it. "I love you Rogers."

He looks at me, "Love you too Aster." and then sees the others watching us Scott giving us a thumbs up sporting a massive grin on his face. Steve awkwardly clears his throat. "Right...we all ready?"

"Good to go." Bruce says, heading to the console.

"See ya in a minute." Nat smirks to us all as we stand in a circle.

Helmets engaged. We disappear, trackers on and heading to our destinations.

Leaving Rhodey and Nebula to get their designated stone from Quill - Clint, Nat and I board the Benatar and make for Vormir. I have no idea what the hell to expect from all this, but as we land and the hatch opens I'm pretty sure that it's not going to be pleasant.

"Wow..." Clint says as we look out at where we are. "Under different circumstances...this would be totally awesome."

"Yeah...but you couldn't have parked a liiiiitle closer?" Nat asks, seeing just how long we have to walk.

Up the highest mountain ever. Great.

We begin the long walk, Clint talking about the weather and other trivial things until we finally get up the mountain itself. It's cold, snowing and we're all probably going to keel over soon if we don't reach the top. It's in sight though.

"I bet the racoon didn't have to climb a mountain." Nat complains when we finally make it up.

"He's not a raccoon." Clint states.

"He's a trash panda." I confirm. "You saw him rustling down the garbage when he thought no one was looking."

Nat waves the whole thing off as she catches her breath finally. "Whatever."

"Welcome." A voice interrupts us, and he quickly make a grab for our weapons. A dark hooded figure is behind us, just watching. "Natasha, daughter of Ivan, Clint, son of Edith..." the figure turns it's head to look at me. "And Aster, daughter of Grayson."

We shift closer to hood man, weapons still drawn. Nat now asking who they are. "Consider me a guide to you... and all who seek the soul stone.

"You're a tour guide?" I frown, "You get many visitors this time of year?" and look around at the place once more. It doesn't scream five star TripAdvisor review.

"You tell us where the stone is, and we'll be on our way." Nat says calmly.

Our guide says something that sounds like German and then comes out from the darkness so as we can see his face. Red. It's like Lord Voldermort decided to try out the face paints. "If only it were that easy..." He now tells us and walks to the edge.

Clint glances across to Nat and me, but we're both looking just as lost by the whole encounter.

"What you seek lies in front of you, as does what you fear." The Red Skull explains more and looks over the edge.

Nat goes and looks while Clint and I hang back. "The Stone's down there." She confirms and we walk over, looking over the edge.

It's a long way down.

"For one of you, For the other? An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul."

There it is. The clincher.

I sigh. "Why is there always small print on these kind of things?" and turn to Red Skull. "Nope, no way, none of us are taking a dive from there today thank you."

"Then the stone remains where it is."

"You're a really crap tour guide, you know that?" I tell him.

Nat goes and sits down to think while Clint paces. I mean, what the hell do we do?

Eventually Clint breaks the silence with a small chuckle and wave to Red Skull. "How's it going?" he calls and makes his way to Nat and me. "Jesus...maybe he's making this shit up."

Nat shakes her head at this while I lean back against a rock. "No. I don't think so."

"Why? Cause he knows your daddy's name?" Clint looks back at Red Skull.

"I didn't." She says a little dazed.

I push myself off the rock and scuff my boots against the dirt, walking in circles trying to wonder whether there's a loophole. There has to be...

Nat now makes the point about Thanos and mutters Steve's earlier words from the morale booster he gave to us all. "Whatever it takes."

I see Clint glance to the edge. "Whatever it takes..."

"We don't get this stone? We're not gonna get everyone back." I say and they turn to me.

Clint nods, "Guess we know who it's gotta be."

"I guess we do..." Nat replies.

I look from one to the other. Wait. They're both thinking about themselves here. Both of them want to be the one to do it. "Erm guys..." I begin but figure it's best to just let them talk it out.

"Natasha you know what I've done...you know what I've become..." I hear Clint say and look the floor. He has regrets just as much as I do. Both of us not wanting to be who we are in the first place. Steve thought I could change, that I could redeem myself and make it right again, but I couldn't. Nothing I can do will ever make up for what I've done.

Except one thing...

By now there's a commotion and as I look up I see Clint on the ground and Nat making for the edge. They're fighting over who gets to take the fall.

I shake my head to myself as Clint stops her with an arrow, sending her crashing to the floor before she can get over the edge. "Not today." I whisper and head to Clint, rendering him unable to move as I shoot him with a paralysis dart before doing the same to Natasha, who still is trying to get up.

This is my redemption. I have to make things right. The world doesn't need me, they need the Avengers, and if either Clint or Nat aren't in that equation – then it's less of a chance to protect everyone from future potential threats.

"I'm sorry." I say to Clint as I stand over him. "You're both needed more than I am."

"Don't..." Clint says as he tries to move but can't. "Nat tell her!"

Nat is trying to drag herself up but can't.

"Tell Steve that I'm sorry, but it's like he said...whatever it takes." I smile at Clint weakly.

I'll be ok. They will be ok.

And then I turn and run towards the edge taking the leap that will secure them the stone, and finally allow me to make peace with myself for all I've done.

What can I say? It was good while it lasted.

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