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I hold the phone to my ear and wait until the familiar voice of General Ross filters through. It's this or nothing. "Miss Hart..."

"How'd you know it was me?"

"It comes us as an unknown, just like you. An unknown." He explains. "Now lets cut to the chase. Do you have Rogers?"

I swallow. "Yes..."


I chuckle, "You want to know whether I've done the job or not. Tut tut Thaddeus, what do you take me for?" and glance over at Steve on the bed. His eyes closed, knife in his chest and sheets soaked with blood. "Here's a picture for evidence. Now I'm looking at my business account and it seems pretty empty to me..." I say as I send him the picture and then open the business account.

Ross grunts. "You'll get your money."

"Now. Or I won't be as accommodating as I've been to you with this whole Mr America contract."

Another huff and after a moment or so the digits begin to roll into the account. "There, satisfied?" He asks. 

"Barely." I grit my teeth. "You see Thaddeus, I've done my research on you, broke the system you've worked so hard to privatise. I know aaaaaaall your dirty little secrets." Now I'm getting to the good part.

"What the hell are you on about."

"Hail Hydra...isn't that what you guys say?"


"You really didn't think I'd do my homework General? I know all about why you're truly in your position, although after this all comes to light? I'd really hate to be the one in it."

"You wouldn't." Ross challenges.

I laugh. "I really would. I mean, you can get rid of Cap so Hydra wont have to worry about enemy number one, but me? The one who holds absolutely everything that's on that pretty little drive of yours..."


"I don't want to brag, but I'm a great hacker." I answer. "And I also found something else that's rather interesting."

"Enlighten me."

My voice is colder now. "Why did you hire the widow to kill my parents..."

There's another silence again before he sighs. "Oh Aster, I wish you hadn't of stuck your nose in."

"Is that supposed to scare me?" I roll my eyes.

"Your father was an obstacle that needed to be eradicated. That's what Hydra do. Anyone gets in our way, and we simply remove them. 'Accidents' may happen."

My blood is boiling. "It was for your own personal gain." I now snap. 

"How else was I to ensure that Hydra would rule supreme. It takes years to build something like this so they can thrive. And we will. Soon this country will be dictated under our order. Greatness is comi..."

"You're boring me with the same drabble that's always used by the enemy." I yawn. "But if I were you? I'd sleep with one eye open from now on – accidents may happen so you say..."

Now he's suspicious. "What are you up to?"

"You can't have a government with no people left in your organisation."

"What so you're gonna take 'em out?" he snorts. "Yeah right."

"Not all of them, just the top dogs, yourself included." I threaten.

The General laughs. "Then you'd best start running, because you've just made yourself public enemy number one." He tells me, "and you won't be able to run for long Miss Hart. I'll have all units out looking for you, and when we finally can trace you, we're gonna bring you down like a ton of bricks."

I rise to the challenge, "Just you try Thaddeus..."

"You honestly think that you can hide forever?" Ross becomes angry, probably knowing his men will never catch up to me. 

"Erm? Yeah that's kinda what I'm aiming for." I tell him with some amusement. "It was a pleasure doing business with you. But it'll be even more of a pleasure when I can finally put a bullet in you. One false move General and all the information I gave on you gets leaked. The game is on."

I hang up before he can say anything else and smirk to myself. He's messing with the wrong woman.

I turn around and look at the body on the bed, before going to stand over it. "I'm sorry Captain..."

Steve immediately sits up and pulls the knives from his suit. They can't penetrate through fully, but it was deep enough to pull off a faked death at least. As was the 'blood'. "Did you really have to jab them in so hard?" Steve asks and passes my weapons back to me. "And cover me in ketchup?"

"You didn't have to pretend to be dead for the whole duration of the call though?" 

"More authentic." Steve smirks and seems less than impressed that he's covered in ketchup.

"You want to pull this off then Hydra and Ross need to believe your dead. And as far as blackmail goes, I think I have everything I need to expose the bastard."

We're shacked up in a cabin in Switzerland that's remote enough for no one to bother us, but within distance so we can get supplies and whatnot. Right now, it's perfect to sit and plan the next move. Most of which will be going after and assassinating the key people of the Hydra organisation. 

He pulls the suit off and I immediately have 'I just wanna make love to you' replaying over and over in my mind. I mentally tell myself to shut up and take the suit so I can clean it. I still get the same reaction whenever we're in bed together. 

Despite this. I still don't know exactly what we are. We're not together, but yet we're not apart either. It's like we're just seeking comfort in one another because we're stuck with each other. Lately I've tried not to let my feelings get the best of me for fear of not knowing what his are towards me. If we're going to get technical. I'm his prisoner in some sense. He likes to keep me in check. Let me know that he's the one who calls the shots. 

And I like it. 

"Aster!" Steve's voice brings me round from my daydream. 

"Huh? Sorry, was just thinking." 

"I said i'm gonna take a shower." 

I nod. "Okay." 

He points to the bathroom with a certain look. "Now." 

I smirk at him. "Is this payback for 'killing' you?" I ask as I walk and finally stop in front of him. He's so much freaking taller than I am. 

Steve leans in next to my ear and his next words make goosebumps rise on my skin. "It damn well is, and I'm gonna make you suffer." 

Nomad (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now