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Life is peaceful, living away from prying eyes. Secluded from all who want to know where Captain America went and whether he'll be coming back.

"Apparently you're on the moon." I call out to Steve as I hear him return from where he'd gone to the time and place he'd meant to have appeared back in. Instead he chose to make a slight detour after bringing me home.

The soul world was nice, it had meant I got to see my parents again and they had been all too willing for me to walk through the veil to be reunited with Steve when I was summoned. The fall will always be worth it to me, even if I was lost to him for some time.

"I'm where?" He asks as he now appears in the kitchen of our home and I pass him the paper.

I persuaded him to grow the beard back, my argument being that no one would recognise him, seeing as they didn't before when we were on the run. We've been back for weeks, Steve was able to take as long as he wanted when it came to returning the stones and he took full advantage of that. It's meant that we could finally start making that life we were meant for - and we're not about to stop now.

Steve chucks the paper down and mutters something to himself about the fact that the moon is uninhabitable, going over to the record player and putting some music on. "Don't say it." He warns.

"Say what?" I plead ignorance and then smirk. "Oh! You mean about your grandpa tunes!"

"They're not grandpa tunes."

"Steve, this record came out in 1937."



He pulls me into him with that slight growl to his tone that makes my legs turn to jelly. "Shut up and let me kiss you."

Before I can say anymore his lips are on mine. I will never get tired of this - ever. Even now as he dances with me (something which is rare because I honestly can't put one foot in front of the other), I feel at peace with myself. Finally.

Closing my eyes, I rest my head on his chest, letting him hold me close and sway me along to the music. I could stay like this forever.

Steve's duty as Captain America will never truly be gone, even if he has now passed down the shield to someone else. I know that he'll always be watching, ready and waiting for the call. And it may come at some point, but for now it's time for him to take his well earned retirement. He's now got that future he had so desperately wanted when we spoke about it while we were on the run.

And it's with me.

Whatever it takes.

Nomad (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now