So, here we are. Probably the last Author's note. And now this one is important mainly to those who care about the rest of the story.(Now just because I really do have the sweetest darling readers I still wanted to mention a few that have been in my comments for the longest time. Thank your for all these (is it years already? Damn), JustSk8in , LillianaDD and malkshik once again~ (you guys, amongst few others, have really been in my comments a long while and made yourself a place in my heart long ago. I had to give you a mention in my last Author's note <3 ))
But yes, now for the continuation of this story. As you might or might not have guessed, the next chapter will also be the last of Echo. Originally, I had also planned to make a shippuden arc (was going to tragically enough name it Nebula's Whisper LOL OH LORDIE *dead*), but I think we all know that is unlikely. BUT. I do have some materials I had pre-written years ago, as a "guiding" scene. Those materials include one fight scene from shippuden (one about the last battle against madara, Sasuke works with the leaf shinobi once more on the battlefield) as well as an epilogue.
So what I'm wondering really, is whether you guys would like me to just leave the story as is after the next chapter, which should be a hopefully somewhat decent ending, or if you'd want me to post the fight scene and/or epilogue as well. The epilogue might be fine to post regardless, since it doesn't need much context. The fight scene thou will be a bit more like a freestanding scene, and give much stronger draft-vibes. But yea, I thought I'd leave the decision of what to publish (=what you want to read) to you guys.
(I was also wondering on the HOW to publish it. Since a lot of people don't read my author's notes they might just go to the next chapters and be totally bamboozled by the completely illogical major timeskips. Maybe I could do the epilogue and fightscene in a separate work??)
Hope to hear from you soon so I know what to do with this child of mine❤

Nebula's Echo (a Naruto Fanfic)
FanficWhen you die, is it eternal sleep that awaits you? Maybe you'll go to heaven or hell and spend the rest of eternity there. Or, just maybe, you'll get... reincarnated. That's what happened to me. I was pushed into another world by a seriously misinfo...