Author's Note

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Hello my lovlies, missed you all! Sorry for abandoning you all so heartlessly. Now, here comes my grand declaration:

Only yesterday I went onto Wattpad, and saw all your sweet comments. You are all the asbolutely best, sweetest and most supportive readers and I am so happy you read my story! And reading some really sweetly heartbroken comments the like of Daphthekat animehearts321 BonzyBonnie makshik LillianaDD lolibritt and many others' (I really did take my time reading them all, thank you all so much<3), I decided that I was indeed an asshole and it was time to suck it up and even if I had major writers block to just PUSH SOMETHING OUT OF ME FOR YOU GUYS, SO HERE IT COMES!!!!

WARNING THESE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS MIGHT BE COMPLETE TRASH compared to my past writing, I have a marginally different writing style by now and it was so long since I read Nebula's that I'm completely out of touch with the characters and the plot of it. I did thou try my best to give you something and wrap this fanfic up. It might seem clumsy, rushed and not so well thought out, I apologize, but I really tried my best.

I love you all, thank you so very much for all the support you gave me! Lets all be quite honest, we all know that without it, I would have never continued this story so all credits to you <3<3<3

Lastly I ask that you all read the next Author's note that will appear after a few chapters, that one will be important since I'll really need yall's opinion at that point ^^ 

Love you all, thousands of thanks and hope I don't completely crush all your hopes and dreams with the bs I'm about to pull~~



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