Chapter 28

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Ceiren POV

While i was still contempleting which pizza toppings I would have loved the most in my past life, the familiar sound of a ninja poofing into the vicinity made me slowly turn my head towards the front of the classroom. Almost instantly, I raised a delicate eyebrow, expression shining with amusement and cockiness.

Well, finally Ibiki! Maybe Kakashi-sensei is starting a trend...

He already got me onboard anyways...

When the smoke cleared, all the occupants of the room were staring with wide eyes at the new arrivals. It was a bunch of older ninja, most likely chuunin, with a tall, dark and scarred man leading the group. His sharp glares and gruesome scars got some pansies to go white in the face. I noted all of this with an amused eyebrow still lifted.

Ibiki lowered his head slowly, casting his eyes into the shadow as a wide, patronizing grin slowly spread on his face. The whole room seemed to be holding its breath, waiting for any action by the obviously most important man here. I nodded my head with approval. His intimidation technique wasn't bad... but come on.

My last life was in a world where movies like the Saw movies and Town of Salem and the like could be casually watched, and one could also play games like call of duty, which seriously killed a lot of compassion and reverence for the importance of life in a lot of youths. So sorry ibiki... you're gonna have to do better than that. The children of my generation in my last world... well, we were some real crazies for gore and jumpscares. Its like, my domain. Right after my religion, multitasking, of course...

The thought made me frown.

Speaking of multitasking, I seem to have been slacking off lately...

Though in all fairness, in a few years, most of the kids in this room are going to become seasoned killers. So except for the fact that I've already committed murder multiple times and that I am literally a body of volatile and hateful chakra (and lets not forget the ultimate cheat ability, my all-encompassing black mist), I have nothing on them. Cuz let's face it, being actual ninjas (*cough* murderers *cough*) makes them much more badass than people that watch Game of Thrones and play call of duty. Sorry, but that's just how it is...

A sudden violent snap made my eyes focus back into reality. Ibiki had lifted his head again, eyes flashing dangerously from the shadows cast across his face from the lamps, his patronizing grin widening to seem almost inappropriate...

Okay Mr. proctor, I take it back. That grin is scary... DON'T MOLEST THE WHOLE CLASS NOW, HAVE SOME GODFORSAKEN DIGNITY MAN!


At Ibiki's shout, everyone quieted down, their eyes now wary, some shocked, as they looked at the intimidating man standing up front. I widened my eyes, sparkles shining as I did my chibi mode. If I had a tail, it would be wagging.

No, my mood swings are not hard to follow. Don't speak of matters you don't know of, child.

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