Chapter 8

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AN: Okayyy, so, kind of good news here. I finally found a picture that corresponds with my imagination of the oc's appearance! Phew, that was hard. 

So, the picture above depicts her demi-human form, and you'll just have to imagine horns there as a bonus + a more vivid purple eye color, and minus the eye-patch please. 

The human form looks the same, only the eye color is the same as in the picture (usually, when she isn't using her powers), and the hair is white + no wings. Plus, when in Konoha she made her body take on a 12 y/o appearance, just saying (in the picture she looks 16-18?). Since she's a bijuu, she doesn't age, and the picture is in her "fixed" age, if you get what I mean with my blabbering? 

I do NOT own this picture, I found it on google and felt compelled to show you what I imagined my character to look like. Full credits for it to the owner (who is either hard to find or I'm just a complete moron T^T)


Ceiren POV

I woke up to the blinding sunlight streaming through my curtains. It was only dawn, yet the light was already overwhelming me. Narrowing my eyes, I let my shadows surge, giving me a relief from the light. Sighing, I got up and went to the kitchen.

What should I make for breakfast?

I smirked slightly thinking about the events of yesterday. My persuasion, a form of my mind control ability, worked splendidly! Not only did I manage to get the Hokage to sign me up for the academy, but I also managed to implant the notion of me living with Kakashi. It helped though that he was already there, making the idea not that far-fetched. Seriously, I'm great.

The next thing I need to worry about is how to get on the same team as Naruto, Sasuke and regrettably, Sakura. No way they're actually going to make one four-man team right? Or, well, not without some persuasion.

Smirk widening, I mixed the dough. It was really fun living with Kakashi actually. The guy is ridiculously fun to tease. Especially when you manage to get your hands on his book. I have to say though, it's not really anything special. I would recommend him, like, I don't know, Fifty Shades of Grey for a more quality read? But that's probably a level or two too high for poor Kakashi who hasn't even seen the world. He's not quite ready for that mix of violence and, well, ugh. Nope, sorry, you might be a jounin ninja and all, and you've fought in wars and all, but you're still not ready for this. But hey, we all develop at our own pace, right?

Nodding to myself, I flipped the first pancake. Soon enough, the target of my musing entered the kitchen, looking as if he just woke up. Those droopy eyes and bed hair... ugh Kakashi are you trying to get me out of my love for the Uchihas? I mean, come on, between Sasuke, Itachi, and even Madara, who wouldn't I totally date? Oh well, a bit early to worry about that though.

I turned to Kakashi, and raised my eyebrow at the ever-present mask. He either didn't get me or decided to totally brush me off.

", you're making breakfast?"

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