Author's note

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Sooo heyyy there.
Ehem, so, I'm currently on a trip and won't be able to do any updating for two weeks because it has become painfully obvious that without my laptop, I'm completely useless😓

I just seriously can't figure out how to operate Wattpad on my phone. The chapters are just never saved and I can't figure out how in the world to save stuff without publishing it dammit😑

Just this note alone was supposed to be written like, a week ago. But, my genius self just couldn't figure out how in the world to publish it. 🙃

Now, please don't get me wrong here. I have a ridiculously high average in school, but my average doesn't by any means equal my actual intellect, so yeeeeaaah. (I have only one talent, namely test-writing, which really is a seriously useful skill to have when you're as dumb as me😂)
I'm just incredibly dense, tragically enough.

Soo sorry 'bout that, and I'm fully planning to be back to updating once I HAVE MY BELOVED LAPTOP BACK WAIT FOR ME MY BABYYY.

Hohohooo, well, thx for your time and have a nice day☺️👋🏻

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