Chapter 19

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Ceiren POV

My eyelashes fluttered open when the light shined on them. I furrowed my eyebrows softly in annoyance before rolling to my other side and stretching. Looking around, my eyes exhibited disinterest. I knew where I was.

I'm at that sock-bastard's place.

I closed my eyes and listened. I could hear a woman's steps in the kitchen and I could hear the voice of the annoying brat, don't really remember his name. Whooshing of the wind and the leaves filled my head until my ears zeroed in on a particular sound. Running footsteps, wheezing and the cutting of tree bark.

Kakashi's teaching them to climb trees with their chakra.

I sighed and put my palm over my eyes, blocking out the annoying light that shone even through my eyelids. I was feeling more or less... grateful? Not sure if that's right, but I'm glad they didn't wake me up. I needed to laze away while others work. It's so satisfying.


My cushion. 

Is there.

My eyes instantly flew open as I realized that my sleep won't achieve the top-notch quality I was accustomed to, without my cushion. Unacceptable. They actually expect the, the Juubi to have low-quality sleep? Na ah, sweetie, na ah.

Having made up my mind, I rose from my futon and combed my fingers through my hair. My hair was always soft and smooth, no knots in sight. A spectacular perk of being a monster. Your hair is monstrously amazing too.

After confirming that there was no one around I flicked my finger and my mist rose from the floor, the shadows dancing over me. When they moved away, I had a black, short dress on. It was classy, and went well with the black heels. I need to feel cute once in a while, you know? I mean, I look hot in my ninja-wear, but a girl needs to feel cute every now and then!

I ran my fingers through my hair and let some mist seep out, and before long my hair had been curled and pulled back in a half up, half down hairstyle with a black ribbon. I knew I looked out of this world, but I was feeling all kinds of annoyed because they didn't even have a mirror.

That sock-bastard needs to get his priorities straight! Damn.

Huffing slightly my temper calmed. I didn't really have that much against them not having a mirror... they need the food more...

Plus, I don't need such a thing to prove to me how gorgeous I am! I'm not that insecure! Pffftt, no!

I sighed before getting up and walking out the door, slipping past the woman and the brat, before walking out into the forest and heading towards the sounds of my teammates. Which wasn't hard at all. Even without my enhanced hearing, I'd hear them from miles away. Those people sure are loud...

Or, well, Naruto is.

When I neared their location, I slowly started slowing down. I ended up stopping behind a tree a good few paces away from them. They hadn't noticed me yet, and I let the shadows of the trees to wrap around me. Sinking into the shadows, I watched them.

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