Chapter 47 : KYMAN ~ Passion of the Jew

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BOOM! Sammy finally updated! Hope u enjoy it!

“Mom get the door!!” I screeched, before growling as I heard the doorbell rang, putting aside my ice cream. “Lazy ass whore…” I muttered, walking to the door and pulled it open, before blinking as I wet met with the drenched figure of Kyle Brofloski. “Kahl? What’s wrong?”

“Y-You were right….All this time I thought you were being a asshole…But you were right…you…you were right…” I blinked as Kyle fell forward, bursting into tears, clutching onto me, I was absolutely confused, my arch nemesis was…crying? He could cry? He wasn’t just evil?

“Woah Kahl I—“ I tried only to cut myself off, looking down I had hugged him back, what the hell was I doing?! Why was I hugging him why was I—

“I’m sorry….!! I’m sorry!!” Kyle had sobbed, whimpers escaping the back of his throat, I blinked, before sighing.

“Wanna come in?” I questioned, Kyle didn’t answer, he just nodded quietly. I smiled, pulling Kyle through into my home, putting him down on my couch, taking his wet green ushanka hat and orange jacket, putting them on the radiator to dry them off. “Here.” I grabbed a towel of the radiator, throwing it to Kyle, it landing over his hair in a slightly cute manner. “Dry yourself off.”

Kyle blinked, the towel falling off his hair around his neck, “W-Why are you being so nice to me…?” Kyle looked down, “I thought you hated me.” I smirked.

“I do hate you.” I reminded. “But hey, just for today…We’ll be friends.” Kyle looked up at me, and for the first time I saw those beautiful emerald green eyes of his in a different light. Instead of them showing fake emotions, they were wide in a beautifully innocent way, they sparkled as they looked up at me, shimmering from the moonlight shining through the window.

I found myself almost falling in love with him right then and there, his large green eyes…Wet fiery red locks that framed his pale face, his faded freckled cheeks having a adorable pink tint over them from the cold outside and obviously also form him crying so much.

“Friends…?” Kyle asked, “I never thought I’d hear that coming from you…” I raised a brow, what was that supposed to mean!? I could be nice. I sat down on the coffee-table opposite him. “I mean…S-Stan used to tell me that you and me would make a terrible pair but…” Kyle laughed weakly. “I think for once he’s wrong.” I blinked, why did he just mention the hippie?

“Hey, what’s the deal with you and Stan anyway?” I questioned, Kyle looked up, before looking down, biting his lip.

“I owe Stan everything…” Kyle murmured with a soft smile. “He’s my best friend and always used to protect me when we were little kids…” Kyle twirled his finger through his curly red locks. Before giggling weakly. “I really trust him y’know…You’ve seen how he protects me against you all the time, he’s just overprotective,”

“Eh? Wait, so he’s not your boyfriend?” I asked, Kyle heated up, staring up at me in shock.

“W-What!? Where the hell did you get that idea!?!” Kyle protested, shooting up. “S-Stan and I…we…we…” Kyle reached his hand to his mouth, tensing slightly with a furious blush. It took everything I had not to jump forward and take him right then and there. “I just…We’re just not together, okay!?”

I smirked. “Right…So your saying if I did something drastic…Stan wouldn’t kill me?” Kyle blinked.

“Depends what you do.” I stood up, walking over to Kyle, slipping my hand under his chin, pulling him forward, tilting his head up. “H-Huh?” Kyle’s hand dropped, and he blushed adorably,

And without a second thought our lips met in a soft light kiss, Kyle tensed up, before relaxing once more, his hands slipping around my neck, and he kissed back. I never got why.

But for now, I was happy.


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