Chapter 35 : (Creek) - Somebody to You.

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Omfg we're nearly at 20,000 reads on this story. Thank you all so so so much! I'm really excited, and omg so many new readers and followers, I feel so special :D This story is based of the song Somebody to you by the Vamps ft Demi Lovato. I love that song so much!

Summary : Tweek's always wanted to be someone to Craig, well he's going to show the twitchy blonde that he's more that someone to him. 


A slight breeze rushed through Starks Pound, a small blonde walking through the park, lost in thought, well lost in the beautiful sapphire eyes which belonged to the more beautiful Craig Tucker. The blonde rubbed his arm, sniffing sadly, he'd never be anyone to Craig, he was just the problematic son of the coffee shop owner, that was all he ever was going to be to Craig.

Slowly, a single crystal tear fell out of Tweek's coffee brown eyes, and rolled down his cheek painting it red before dripping of his chin. But before the tear could even fall off, Tweek's chin was caught in someone's grasp. Gasping in shock and yelping cutely as his face was pulled upwards, Tweek's eyes widened, but soon was filled with relief as he found himself staring into the loving but souless sapphire eyes which belonged to the ebony haired boy known as Craig Tucker. 

"C-Craig...jesus....GAAH..You scared me.." Tweek sighed in relief, Craig didn't reply, smile or even blink, he was glaring daggers at Tweek's watery eyes, scaring the tears into not actually rolling down Tweek's face, the twitchy blonde more than confused but seeming consoled as a strong voice finally spoke.

"Stop crying. Your ruining your nice face." Craig had simply stated, loosening his grip on Tweek's chin and just holding the blonde by his waist, who seemed perfectly content to be held like that. After seeing Tweek's face break out into a smile, Craig smiled slightly too, flipping off nearly everyone walking by. "C'mon. It's cold out. Wouldn't want you getting more hurt Tweakers." Craig replied, like he actually knew why Tweek was crying.

Not responding, Tweek just nodded slightly and started off into a walk just in front of Craig, but was stopped as the same grip on his chin and waist from earlier, was now grasping his wrist. Looking back confused and slightly scared, Tweek just blinked. "Craig, wha--" But was cut off quickly by a pair of mercy -less strong lips on his own soft rosy ones. Tweek's eyes shot wide open, but soon fluttered shut, he didn't care, he was somebody to Craig.


That turned out  better than I hoped it would. Yay :3 The song I used is Somebody to You by The Vamps ft Demi Lovato. I'm obessed with the song, most peeps out there hate the tune and lyrics, but screw em you can't hate what you don't appreciate. (My new cheesy catchphrase) 

COMMENT TIME!! (Everyone Cheer -_-) 

deatharay : Gotta luv Rapunzel rip offs. xD Thanks for the comment :)

 Scootamew : YAY! For darkness and hating life!

GinjaNinjaHD : Stan and Kyle just fit together like a puzzle! Cartman's that piece you just can't help but put in though. (Whats with my cheesy catchphrases today?)

suizugaku : Heheh, thanks for the comment :)

iluvadventuretime : Believe me. It feels much more dirty writing it. /////////////// - I feel like I'm watching bad animes again...

CRY_TH3_MONST3R : People!! Please stop self harming after reading my oneshots!! Do you wanna see me cry? ;_; (xD) 

niqui0990 : Stan. *Pokes them.* Kyle. Move. Your scaring me. 

Rebecca8822 : Heheh, don't hurt him too much, I need him for later chapters. Oh I've got a baseball bat you can use for punching him in the pixiestick doh.

Everything-Girl : Doctor I think I'm going crazy! (How can you tell?) RAIINNNNBOOWWWWW~

mmtrouble : Ha lol, Hi both of you, thanks for reading firstly. Secondly I'll probably add a second chapter for it, don't worry :)

sunchild2015 : Ah, he's just misjudged, and a asshole in the heart.

Sierra355_SouthPark : Aww thanks, If you want I'll write a seprate Kyman story thats dark and like that.


TheProblemedWriter : Nope, I think everyone secretly wants to know where that went.

lillypad1006 : Aha, don't mind him, Cartman's just gone a bit crazy after I gave him that chainsaw last week. 


Okay thats all the comments, like I said, if you want a graphic Kyman story post the word CHEESE below and I'll tell you the outcome of that the next chapter. Luv is always appreciated and don't hesitate to hit that vote button and follow me.  

Peace out! xD 

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