Chapter 1 (Indigo's POV)

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I'm so ready to be done with work today. My feet hurt, I have a headache and my cramps are killing me. Damn cramps. Taking any more pills won't help either. I'll be so glad when I can go home and smoke. For a place full of rich people they don't drug test at all. Snickering to myself, I took a swig of water since I couldn't keep anything down. My periods were the worst but that didn't stop a check. I needed this money and even though I was one of the youngest instructors here I was gonna keep my spot because this job paid very well. I worked at Beacon Hill Center where we provide select teachings and activities to gifted kids which was more like a glorified babysitting service but it does pay half of the rent I thought to myself. I did get to see certain Boston celebrities though and I actually liked my job. It was better than my previous jobs as I shuddered thinking about my last job and all the poop I had to clean out of pools. "Ugh, that was so nasty, '' I said out loud. But I was the new kid still here, one of the youngest to work here and I was gonna make strides for sure. I was on break so this was a good time to get my thoughts together and rest from my period pain and work on my plan.

I heard a knock it was my supervisor Sasha

"Hey Indi, how are you?" she said, strolling into my room.

"I'm doing fine just taking my break, i have cramps just a little"

"Oh I definitely get that it feels like everyone has synched here"

"Snft yes it does feel like that"

"Well i was coming in here to ask if you if you could run the front for the rest of today, Jonah left early today and since you were done for today it would be appreciated"

Now didn't this girl just hear I'm not feeling well. Child anyways I guess I could cause it was the end of the day almost.

"Sure that will not be a problem, just give me a minute"

"Thanks so much Indi I appreciate it," she said with a smile. I don't know if it was fake or not, my supervisor was cool but from some of the things I've already seen she definitely has a flip side. I just haven't seen it yet but I'm sure it's there. I gathered my things and my AirPods and water. I definitely was gonna make that space mine for the time being and work on my plan and maybe draw a bit. I sat down and unclocked my iPad to check down my list.


Move in with sister✅

Get job✅

Get furniture ✅

Get a new car✅

Finish painting

Get art seen

Find agent/buyer

I was glad to have finished the biggest stuff first I suppose but I had further to go. And finish this painting that had been tormenting me for the past 2 years and get it in a gallery but that was a different story right now. I was focused on working hard and doing the best I could at this job. I was not trying to lose this check.

My thoughts were knocked loose as the phone rang. "Hello, Beacon Hill center, this is Indigo Quint speaking. How can I help you?" I said in my customer service voice. "Hi I'm calling to come pick up Jayson Tatum Jr. Duce as I call him"

"Okay just give me one second sir"

I placed him on a brief hold while I called for the child over the intercom.

"Hello sir, Duce Tatum is ready for pickup so you can just come in and be ready to sign him out"

"Alright thank you"

His voice rattled the phone a little, tickling my ear. Whoever they were had a nice deep voice I thought smirking to myself.

One of my new students soon came up to be checked out. I don't have favorites but Jayson Tatum Jr. aka Duce definitely was one of my best students, didn't make a fuss, interacted well with others and at 6 years old was probably one of the smartest here, almost smarter than some of the adults.

He came up the hall with his bookbag and things, smiling the whole way. He was such a happy child and was so full of energy and life.

"Hey Duce did you have a fun time today?"

"I sure did Ms. Quint, especially in your art class today." he told me with a bright smile

"Oh really did you accomplish what you wanted to do today"

" Yeah I made some really nice pictures and used the art technique you taught us" he said to me.

I heard the front door chime and saw a very tall man walk in, I mean really tall. He was at least 6'8 more like 6'9 and probably had some of the broadest shoulders I've ever seen. Very handsome in the face with some nice features. I couldn't help but look him up and down slightly. I wasn't even looking him in the face if you know what I mean. But looking up I realized it was a player for the Celtics Jayson something. I couldn't remember the last name. When suddenly my student Duce yelled out "Daddy!" And rushed to the man walking in. "Hey my lil man what's going on?" He asked while he picked him up. Oh that's his son so his last name must be Tatum as well. He looks young to be having a kid though but I guess when you are in the league and get paid millions it doesn't matter. I was a sort of basketball fan and just got into the Celtics since I lived in Boston now and getting to know the players. He was recently new on the team I believe, only being there for a few years I recall but already making waves with 25+ point games. He was legit for sure and was definitely getting his money so I can see how he could afford to send his kid here.

"Good afternoon sir, how are you you doing today"

"I'm doing fine, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright, so you're here to check out Duce?"


"Okay well I'd just need to see your ID and for you to sign our checkout book"

"Okay", he set his son down and then handed me his license' "here you go"

Our fingers touched slightly, I thought nothing of it but I felt my face getting warm anyway. "Um thank you" I stammered . I held his ID up just to verify and plus since I was being watched by the other Instructor I actually had to do my job since I was still new. Looking closer he and my student looked the exact same. But his father was really cute as well, more like handsome. His eyes were a deep brown and he had a pair of nice lips. His complexion was smooth and his skin tone paired nicely with his black curls. And I'm a sucker for a nice beard. 🥴 I felt myself blushing and quickly got embarrassed "shit i hope he and my coworker didn't notice that'' I thought to myself

"Okay here's your ID sir and if you could just sign here and collect these forms, you'll be good to go."

I took the checkout book back from him, gave him his forms and went to get the rest of the check out forms for the other parents. As I was turning around I noticed a small smirk on his face aimed towards me. "Shit did he notice me checking him out? I don't think he did. Maybe he's just in a good mood or something?" I thought but what am I doing? He's said less than 5 words to me and I'm already blushing And getting nervous around him!? I need to be professional. I took a breath and got the rest of the files together and headed back to the front desk.

I came up to Mr. Tatum and Sasha talking

"Yes so with our in home program, you have the option where we come to you and your child can have extra one on one tutoring/activity time by our Instructors"

"Thank you for letting me know about that, I'll keep this in mind" he said while turning up his head looking at me smiling slightly

"Well you and Deuce have a wonderful day and we will see him tomorrow" "

"Bye Mrs. Grant, Bye Ms. Quint" Duce said

"Goodbye y'all have a nice day" I said to both of them waving them out the door. He gave me another look that slick sent a chill down my spine and walked out the door. My face turned slightly red. I turned quickly and went back to my chair.

Well time to get back to work so I can finish this day and head home I thought. Trying to forget what just happened.  

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