Chapter 23 (Indi's POV)

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"How could you do this to me Indi, I told you we were in this together and you're gonna throw it all away because of him?" Jay said to me as he pointed at Cory, my ex.

"Yeah she is pathetic man, that's why I had to leave and go be off on my own, cause she was just a burden to be with. You better off leaving too bro" Cory said to Jay

"Jay don't listen to him, he doesn't know what he's saying" I tried to speak but no words would come out. It's like I was muffled and every time I tried to open my mouth it felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Indi I just don't know if I can do this, you've messed things up twice and I don't think I can give you a third chance" Jay said as he started walking towards a door that suddenly appeared.

"Yeah this bitch ain't worth it man, lets go" Cory said to him as he put his arm around him heading towards the same door

"Jay don't go! Please give me another chance!" I tried to yell out after him. But the air suffocated my lungs as soon as I opened my mouth. I tried to run after him but as soon as I got close enough to touch his shoulder the ground came out from underneath me. Seeing nothing but Jayson's back turned to me and Cory looking at me with an evil grin, I started falling into pitch blackness. I woke up startled and covered in sweat. I had another nightmare. Between doing this community mural project, still working, and dealing with the blowback of me and Jay's relationship being outed, I was super stressed and wasn't getting any sleep. I was having a panic attack almost everyday even in my sleep sometimes. It was so hard to just get through the day, luckily I was able to see my therapist and we met to discuss things and see if we could get me a new prescription for antidepressants and anxiety medication. She was able to help me sort through some things and reminded me that Cory does not control my life anymore, he had power, but not anymore and I control my own life. And that Jayson isn't him and wants us to be equals. And I knew that was true but I was just afraid of what could happen if I let Jay in, I mean I had already seen what happened when we tried and got outed. He didn't suffer any repercussions while I got doxxed and my business put all online. Where I lived, who I worked for, my mental health status, everything. And I just couldn't face Jay after what happened so even when he texted and called me I just ignored him. I'm sure he had found out everything about me, except me and Cory's relationship. Which was fine by me cause that was something I didn't want to bring up or be brought up. I did see on Instagram and twitter Jay posted about the rumors that they were not true and I was just a friend of the family. We both knew that was a lie and that he was just trying to quell the situation. The Shade Room issued an apology but the damage was already done, and I was still being attacked online. People called me a hoe, a gold digger, that I had been planning to go after Jayson through his son since I started working at the Beacon Hill center. None of this was true but it didn't matter to these people. It even made it to TMZ where they kept scrutinizing over that picture of me sitting in his lap.

"Even though Jayson Tatum has made a statement, look at this picture, what friends do you know that sit in each other's lap like this. And the way he's smiling at her, it's clear something more is going on."

"I mean who knows he just could have had something in his hair, the way she's running her fingers through it?"

"Lol yeah right they were probably were making out or even more before this picture was taken"

I didn't even want to deal with the stress anymore so I put my accounts on private and stayed off of social media for the rest of the week. Even at work things were tense. I kept getting side-eye and weird looks from my coworkers and I knew they were talking about me behind my back because every time I came around them they would get quiet. It was frustrating for sure. And this was the last week Jonah was here but I just ignored him because I found out he was the one who took the picture of Jayson and didn't realize it was me until after we had bumped into him on the stairs. I eventually had to have a meeting with Sasha about everything.

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