Chapter 15 (Indi's POV)

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 This man could really cook, he was whipping it up in the kitchen like it was second nature, and looked so good doing it. I loved a man who knew his way around in the kitchen. He was making french toast, bacon and an assortment of other things. "That smells good. Is there anything I can help with Jayson?"

"Nah I got it girl just sit your pretty ass over there and let your boy handle it." he said as he threw what seemed like eggs onto the stove. After last night I was starving and couldn't wait to eat. Anita Baker, Sweet Love, was playing through his system while I was waiting for the food. Both of us were singing along, realizing it was both one of our favorite songs.

"With all my heart, I love you baby

Stay with me and you will see my arms will hold you, baby

Never leave, 'cause I believe I'm in love

Sweet love, hear me callin' out your name

I feel no shame, I'm in love

Sweet love, don't you ever go away

It'll always be this way" we both sang out loud laughing at each other's singing voices.

My phone started ringing and interrupted our time and I looked and saw it was Jonah. "Excuse me Jay I got a call I need to take"

"Alright the food is almost done I'll let you know when it's ready." he said, finishing up what he was doing.

I walked just a few feet away and slid the answer button.

"Hey Indi"

"Hey Jonah, how are you?"

"I'm good, I'm just chilling and wanted to see what you were up to."

"Um right now I'm having breakfast but then after that I'll prob be chilling, what's up?"

"Well you know the Celtic's have their last home game today and I have tickets, wanted to know if you wanted to go with me and then to this nice sushi spot I know near there?"

"That sounds nice Jonah, can I let you know later today?"

"Yeah that's fine just hit me up"

"Alright then well I'll talk to you later Jonah bye."


I hung up my phone and turned to see Jay holding two plates of food that looked amazing but he had a sour look on his face. "What's wrong Jay?"

"So you were talking to Jonah?"

"Yeah, I was. Is that a problem?" I asked, taking one of the plates and sitting at the table with the juice already out.

"Nah it's not" I could tell he was clearly lying. "What did he want though?" he said, sitting down beside me and eating some of his food.

"He just wanted to know if I wanted to go to yall's game today and then go get sushi afterwards, that's all." I took a bite of the french toast he cooked, my god it was amazing. But Jay seemed disgusted at the mention of sushi.

"I don't see how you can get sushi it's disgusting, but are you gonna go with him?"

"Sushi is not that bad so don't even do that haha, but I mean I don't know, I told him I'd let him know"

Jayson seemed to kinda perk up then, "Well if you haven't decided why don't you come to the game with me and my family? I know Duce would love it if you could come."

I was kinda surprised at him asking that, I mean I know he's offered me tickets before but going to the game with his family, being with his mom and his son and who else, and in public too? I mean who knows what could happen? The thought scared me honestly. "Jay I don't think that's a good idea..." I was cut off by Jay

"Please Indi, I know we agreed that what we have going on be kept lowkey and it will, you would just be my guest at the game, and this would just be like a thank you for all the hard work you've done helping Duce. Plus I would really like it if you could come. Pleassseee." he said, poking out his bottom lip and giving me puppy dog eyes. I just couldn't say no to those pleading brown eyes, he was so cute when he begged.

"Alright Jayson, but just as your regular guest, okay. Nothing more"

"Got it baby." he said as he scooted closer and gave me a kiss making my legs a little weak.

I smiled and ate the rest of the amazing food he made while we talked about other things. 

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