Chapter 29 (Indi's POV)

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Jay and I had decided to meet at this late night lounge and got a private booth so we could talk. It wasn't that many people in there given it was Sunday so it was chill. I walked in and heard a familiar voice call my name. I turned around and saw Jay wave me over to the booth he was sitting at. I walked over and he stood up and gave me a hug which caught me off guard but I didn't mind. I almost forgot how it felt to be in his strong arms and god damn he smelled so good I couldn't help but take in a whiff. I felt myself getting sucked back in already so I took a step back.
"Oh sorry" Jay said, looking kinda sad I didn't reciprocate his hug.
"It's okay Jay, so you wanted to talk?" I said sitting down
"Uh yeah I did, first I'm glad you came, and these are for you as well."
He said placing a bouquet of purple tulips in my hands. It was only in a brief conversation that I told him about my favorite flowers, I couldn't believe he remembered though.
"Thank you Jay these are beautiful"
"You're welcome Indi, I remembered you told me a while back Tulips were your favorite flowers. You look good though Indi." He said giving me that same look he gave me when we first met. But now instead of just lust in his eyes it was something more now.
"Thanks Jay you do too." I said sorta blushing at how he was looking at me while he licked his lips. he really did look good though. He was in some simple jeans and a plain white t-shirt and blue windbreaker with some off-white jordans on but he made everything look good. "How's Duce?" I asked.
"He's good, he's with his mom right now. She's really been doing a better job helping me with him, ya know, we've been communicating a lot better now, so things are good there."
"That's nice"
There was an awkward silence for a minute, both of us just sitting there when a server came over.
"Hello My name is Rachel I'll be your server for tonight. What can I get for you guys to drink?"
"Hi, can I get a water and Henny Coolada, Indi do you want anything?" Jayson said
"I'll just have a glass of Rosè thanks."
"Alright I'll go get those drink orders in and be back shortly" she said
As she was taking the drink menus from JT, she lightly grazed his hand and said "Imma big fan" and winked at him before walking off. I rolled my eyes at that getting a laugh outta Jay.
"Fans, what are you gonna do with them ya know? They sure are bold sometimes" Jay said
"Yeah a lil too bold at times' ' I said bluntly. He let out a deep chuckle that sent a shiver through my spine. We just made small talk till our drinks arrived, I wasn't really hungry given I had already eaten; Jay just ordered loaded fries and said I could have some if I wanted any. Once the food arrived, Rachel spoke to Jay. "Here is your food sir, if you need anything let me know, and I do mean anything" she said with a wink and this time placing her hand on his shoulder. I couldn't believe this bitch right here like she didn't have the decency to not flirt at her job. I mean I know me and Jayson had crossed that line but our situation was different.
"I appreciate it but I'm good, I got everything I need right here" he said, looking at me and placing his hand on top of mine. That made me blush and I looked at our server, "Yeah we're more than good, I don't think you'll have to come over here again till we're ready for the check." I said to her fake smiling. She rolled her eyes and walked off and when she got far enough me and Jay burst out laughing.
"I can't believe that girl like she was down bad" I said laughing.
"Astronomically down bad" JT said, making me laugh more. We calmed down laughing shortly when JT spoke again. "I meant what I said to her though Indi, I got everything I need right here with you" He said seriously, looking me in my eyes. "Honestly I've been wanting to talk to you and see you but figured you didn't want to hear from me anymore."
"JT I.." but he interrupted me before I could speak.
"Look Indi, I know I rushed things with you last time, and I may have put us in a public situation that neither of us was really ready to handle and I apologize for that. I'm sorry you had to go through such harassment on social media and I wasn't there to help you get through it. I mean I wanted to but you shut me out and I couldn't do anything but respect your wishes when you said you didn't want anything to do with me. I just couldn't stand being away from you though and I should have tried harder to make things work between us. But my feelings were hurt by the words you said and I just didn't know what to do. I still missed you though, even after you turned me away. Indi I think about you all the time even though I tell other people I'm not. I think about how you are, what you're doing, if you're sleeping and eating well all that. You're one of the first things I think about when I wake up and when I go to sleep at night. I'd be lying if I said I haven't missed being with you cause I have. I miss our talks and laughs and how your body and lips felt against mine. The times we spent together were so nice. I was mad when you wanted things to end, but I didn't think about why. Someone or something may have hurt you and I didn't consider your past hurt feelings the reason as to why you pushed me away when I expressed to you how I felt."
"Cory." I said softly interrupting him
"What was that?"
"His name was Cory, my ex" I said. JT sat back while I continued to talk. "I met him my sophomore year of college through a friend at work and we instantly clicked. He was older than me, I was 19 at the time and he was 24 and a senior. We would spend almost every other day together like me and you and quickly became intimate. I told him all my secrets like about hurt in my past as a child, my hopes and dreams, I devolved everything into him but hardly got anything back. But I still gave him more of me and fell in love with him after only talking and dating for a few months. He gave me hope that we would eventually be together forever, maybe even get married and I believed him cause I really was in love with him. He was my first love and I mean I wasn't a virgin but with him, he felt like how my first time should have been. He took care of my body like no man had ever done before. We even worked together for a bit and he made my job so much more fun. He also made me wanna be a better person aspiring for my dreams, he challenged me and made me want to improve to meet him on his level cause he just seemed so much wiser and mature to me. I let him take control over my life. I became obsessed with him. And then his graduation came, I thought maybe our relationship would continue even though he was leaving but I was wrong. He had taken a job in California and left suddenly without even a goodbye. I didn't hear from him for an entire year after that. I was heartbroken and it took me years to get over him even though we were only together for a year. I had already been diagnosed with bipolar depression by then and I went into a depressive hole for a while cutting off people in my life left and right cause I thought they would leave me like he did. I had trust issues already and he was one of the first people I had let my walls down for and I felt betrayed almost. I thought the reason why he left me was because I was a screw-up and a burden to be with. I didn't really have lasting relationships after that cause I always thought something was wrong with me and that I would mess this relationship up like I did with Cory. So when it came to you JT, you were the first person I felt something real for in years and I got scared cause I thought you would see me for who I really was and not like me. And when I got doxed on social media and put on blast and talked about like that, I didn't know how to handle things after that. I thought you would leave me like Cory did so I pushed you away before you could do the same."
At this point the tears were rolling down my face as I revealed the pain in my past that made me the way I was today. Cory had hurt me and it took me forever to recover, if the same happened with JT, I don't think I could bounce back at all.
"Indi, I'm sorry you went through that." he grabbed both my hands and rubbed them gently " Indi, I don't blame you for what happened, you were young and in love, we've all been there. But that nigga was dumb as fuck for letting someone as amazing and beatuiful as you go. I wouldn't do the same. I want you in my life flaws and all. I wouldn't do you like how he did, and I know these are probably just words to you but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to prove and show you that what I'm saying is true and earn your trust. I really care about you Indi and wanna be with you."
He pulled me around to where he was at so we could sit closer. And tilted my head so he could look me in my eyes.
" We can make this work, I believe it. But only if you want this to work Indi." He placed his cool forehead against mine and wiped my tears away with his hand. "I really want us to be together and I know you're scared of these brand new feelings between us, I'm scared of them too. But I'd rather be scared and with you then not scared and without you. We can take it slower and do it right this time, just tell me what I need to do and I'll do it." He stared at me with those brown eyes and I knew he meant every word. I was tired of Cory controlling my life and I knew if given the chance, me and JT could really make each other happy. This could be a really beautiful thing between us if we focused on the good and not the bad. I decided right then and there I would give him and me a chance.
"Kiss me Jay"
His lips met mine and as soon as they connected I knew that this was finally right. I was meant to be with him and he was meant to be with me. This moment just between us felt perfect and I knew we would have more moments like this in the future.

The End
To be Continued in 'More Moments'

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