Chapter 1

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I was running through dark alleys and small buildings for what felt like hours, the big demon chasing behind me seemed like he was never going to give up. I can't blame it, who wouldn't chase the only food they've seen in ages after almost starving to death? I certainly would; actually, I've been doing that for days now, digging in dirty trash containers for anything edible I could find.

I was walking through the cold streets of hell (believe it or not, hell is very cold at night) barefoot and starving, when I bumped into what I thought was an old man with a piece of bread. Before i could think clearly what i was doing, my legs moved on their own and i quickly tried to steal the bread from him, when one of his hands grew a mouth on it and tried to bite my hand off. That's what brings me here, running for my life.

I spotted an empty container a few feet away from where I was currently standing and swiftly threw myself inside it, praying to the gods that the demon didn't see me get in. Hell! (literally), who am i kidding, the gods won't help right now, they were the ones who put me in this situation in the first place for some odd reason i don't even remember.

Hiding in the filthy container, I was panting in exhaustion. The putrid smell of the leftover trash brought little to no oxygen to my head which caused me to get dizzy and lightheaded; added with the low energy of lack of food, I was on the verge of passing out.

Hoping no one would find me while I was out, I gave into the fatigue and closed my eyes, just one little tiny nap and then i'll find myself something to eat, I thought to myself while I drifted off to slumber.


I found myself laid in a white, large bed pretty comfy if I do say so myself. My naked body was wrapped in a bed sheet shielding it from the cold atmosphere of the room. I scanned my eyes through the room and everything is white, a blinding white. This room was oddly familiar, like I've been here before but I can't quite put my finger on it. I got this strange feeling of deja vu and it made my stomach churn in an uncomfortable way.

Suddenly, I hear a loud banging coming from the door. It startled me and I rapidly scurried to the other side of the room as far from the door as possible. The banging wouldn't stop and I started hyperventilating, my breathing coming in short gasps, scared of what was on the other side of the white door trying so desperately to get in.

Frightened by the loud sounds coming from the outside of the container I opened my eyes. What a strange dream, I thought to myself while I peered outside of the lid to see what was making such noise. To my surprise i found a big scary looking wolf trying to get inside to eat me I supposed. Great, now how am I gonna get out of here hopefully in one piece, I thought while I searched my surroundings for another way out. I got up from where I was sitting and I felt something heavy tug at my back near my shoulder blades; I looked behind me and saw dirty bright white wings attached to my backside. When did those get there? I must be really exhausted to not even feel my own wings. The banging outside of the container brought me out of my thoughts and I remembered what I was doing in the first place.

With no other choice, I began to flap my wings to try and escape the starving wolf on the other side. It wasn't the best course of action; escaping through the sky might drive unwanted attention my way. I mean, a defenseless girl with bright white wings soaring throughout the sky, I'm literally a diamond in a sea of coal. Adding the fact that I'm an angel in hell, one of a kind. Any demon would kill to get their hands on me; I'm just a fine piece of meat in their eyes.

The sky was a dark orange with red hues, that seemed to be the everyday and night sky. Yeah, the night sky is the same as the day, it's always kind of dark and cold here and I hate that. The first days of my stay in hell were really difficult to differentiate the night from the day but once you get the hang of it, it's easy to tell. I was flying through the night sky dodging tall buildings, I could tell I was in some sort of downtown of hell? If that's even a thing. It resembled those big cities from earth I read about from a book, it brought me a nostalgic feeling, when I heard an arrow breaking through the cold breeze near my face. I flinched and moved the other way to avoid being hit. Someone must've seen me, my thoughts were interrupted by another arrow almost hitting my right wing. I tried to move away but just as I was about to fly in another direction, my left wing was pierced with one of those arrows, staining my pure white wing with crimson red blood, making me falter my flight and slowly began inching closer to the concrete.

My right side hit the asphalt first, using my good wing to try and lessen the impact. I laid there on the cold, dirty sidewalk when I heard heavy footsteps approaching my harmed body.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" I heard a deep hoarse voice say from behind me, I slowly turned my frame to face the source of the voice.

I could clearly see a scary looking demon with two big horns on its head, a pair of black, huge wings and a furry body with a long pointy tail behind, supported by two massive hoofs. The guy looked straight out of a nightmare. It began to approach me and then the severity of my situation began to hit me. Injured, surrounded by many scary demons at least 6 feet taller and much stronger than me, with nowhere to run.


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