Chapter 5

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I exited the castle making my way to the market, the streets weren't so packed with demons because it was still early in the morning, around 11am I supposed and the demons start going out at night.

My steps were confident but a little wary, I barely knew this place and it would be stupid from me to walk this streets like I owned the place, I'm an outsider after all.

After a couple minutes walking, I started seeing a street in front of me with more demons roaming around and little stalls at the sides. That must be the market Dabi was talking about, I thought while I speed my steps a little to get there faster.

Just like I thought, this was indeed the market, there was a wide passageway for people to go through while looking at what the market could offer. I made sure to be aware of my surroundings not wanting to bump into any demons and cause trouble or even my own death. These beings go from 5 to 10 feet tall, you never know what could happen.

I was calmly looking at the fresh fruits. I've already purchased some other needed goods written in a little note I found inside the bag, I paid for the fruits and I was making my way back to the castle when a crow looking foot 'accidentally' pushed me, making me bump into a tall furry creature disrupting it, making the things it had on his hands fall to the floor.

"What the hell! watch where you goin-" the demon said, turning around to see who ran into him. Once he looked at me, his expression changed from angry and annoyed to one of surprise and smugness, a smirk appeared on his face.

"I'm so sorry sir, it won't happen again. If you'll excuse me, I have to go", I said as politely as I could, not wanting to anger the demon more. Trying to get away from him as fast as possible. I was scared and with nowhere to run or escape to, I was surrounded by demons, with my injured wing unable to fly and escape through the sky, this was not my ideal situation.

"You're not going anywhere, little angel. How are you supposed to repay me for what you did?" he said pointing to his things on the ground. Trying to get away from this situation one way or another, I started gathering his things and giving them to him in an attempt to mend my mistake.

I looked up to his face and he didn't seem very pleased with my actions. "What do you think you're doing? Who gave you permission to touch my things!?". At this point it was like the demon was just making excuses to be mad at me and make me pay. His words brought the attention of some demons walking past us, making me even more scared of my life.

Suddenly, the demon harshly grabs my wrist and starts to walk dragging me with him against my will, "you're coming with me, angel". I tried to resist but it was to no avail, he was much stronger than me. Is he gonna kill me? Is this how I'm gonna die?

"She's not going anywhere with you", a familiar voice says while grabbing my waist and bringing me close to his body. Stunned, I looked up and who I saw was the least person I expected to see here, much less save me.

Dabi was there holding me protectively, looking him dead in the eyes at the other demon who tried to take me away. With a twist to his left wrist, blue flames came from his hand directed to said demon, engulfing him in the scorching hot fire, killing him in a matter of seconds. Where did those flames come from? Is he a demon too? But he doesn't look like one, my thoughts drowned the screams of the demon burning alive in front of me. If I was honest, I didn't know dabi could do that, but for some strange reason I don't feel afraid.

"No one touches what's mine, do you understand?" he sternely said to the other demons around who were witnessing what just happened. His voice intimidated me but his protective touch gave me a sense of security I haven't felt in a while. I didn't know where this gust of protectiveness came from or why he even did that for me but I was thankful I wasn't gonna be demons' food today.

Dabi turns to look at me, "sorry you had to see that, doll; I just don't like others taking what's mine". He told me, starting to walk away with me in the direction of his castle. And I didn't question him for what he just said. Given what I just saw, I should be terrified of staying with a cold hearted killer but the thought of him killing someone to protect me, brought an unknown feeling to my stomach. It felt weird but good in some way and I was sure as hell not complaining.

The whole walk back he didn't let go of me, something I was grateful for given that all the demons passing by would stare at us with stunned expressions on their faces. I was starting to get more comfortable in his presence and I felt like it was the same for Dabi.

Maybe my stay with him isn't gonna be so bad after all. 

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