Chapter 13

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CW: gore, blood.

"Y/n?" Touya was surprised to see me here while Keigo was in front of us. It felt like the 'old times' when the three of us used to hang out. The difference was that now we were in hell and Touya wasn't Touya anymore.

"Touya? Oh my gods Touya!" I ran to him and wrapped my arms and wings around him in a comforting hug, one we haven't had in a really long time. This time when I hugged him, it felt different. The hug was full of emotion and love, my eyes couldn't stop pouring silent tears while I held onto Touya for dear life. He hugged me back just as tight and buried his nose in my hair, finally being able to hold me and take in my scent; something he's been craving since I first arrived in hell.

"Can we leave the lovey dovey shit for later? We have things to clear up." Keigo spoke up from behind us, interrupting our moment. I wasn't mad though, he was right, there were a lot of things we needed to talk about. Touya guided us to the living room where we all sat down looking at each other.

"First of all, call me Dabi. I'm not Touya anymore, he died when I landed here in hell." Dabi told us, sitting beside me. He leaned back on the couch and put a hand on my thigh, rubbing comforting circles with his thumb. That made me smile a little to myself.

"Okay Touya or Dabi whatever. I've been meaning to ask you this since I first saw you. What the hell happened to your face?!" Keigo asked, laughing a little. If I was honest, I've been wondering the same thing but I didn't want to sound rude or anything.

"I was expecting that question. It all goes back to when I first arrived in hell, about 13 years ago, I think. It also has something to do with the fact that I can control blue fire too." He said that last part looking at me, it brought me back to when he killed that demon using his blue flames some weeks ago.

Dabi POV:

I hit the cold floor of what I assumed was hell, I couldn't fly and tried to lessen the impact thanks to the fact that the gods cut my wings off. And now my back is covered in blood and it hurts like hell. But what hurts more is that I'm never gonna get to see y/n again, I'm grateful that she didn't have to see how they ripped my wings off though, that would've crushed her. I love her too much to witness something like that and I'm also thankful that all this happened to me and not her.

With an aching body and a little dizzy from the blood loss, I stood up and limped through the dirty alleyway I was currently at. The area I was in looked deserted, not one single demon outside, it almost made me think nobody lived around here except for a couple bars here and there I spotted open.

I kept walking until I reached a wooded area with strange trees I've never seen before. I found a little cave that I thought was perfect for me to at least spend the night, or till I was fully healed and not so vulnerable. Oh how wrong I was.

The inside of said cave was dark, cold and humid; not at all in conditions for a person to be living in. I didn't care much, I was exhausted, hurt and just wanted to sleep the pain away. When I saw gigantic blue eyes watching me. Curious, I got closer to the source and saw a huge dragon-like creature ready to kill me at any minute.

I strained myself to my limits to run out of the cave and back to the city, blue scorching flames following and unfortunately engulfed me. If I thought I was in pain before, this was another whole level. The smell of burning flesh entered my nostrils, almost making me throw up. I thought I was gonna die, flashes of moments with y/n was all that was in my mind and how much I wanted to see her one last time.

Fighting for my life, I started to feel how my body was trying to absorb the flames and store their power inside me, which I didn't fight against. 'If doing this gives me a chance to live then so be it', I thought to myself while I slowly lost consciousness due to the pain, leaving me with some pretty nasty scars due to my body not being accustomed to this new power and third degree burns of course.

The last thing I saw was black, alone, in the middle of who knows where in hell. I was so dead.

Next thing I know I was laying in a bed in an unknown place, my wounds being treated by an old friendly looking lady, who later on told me her name was Chiyo. And that's how I got a second chance in life at the cost of these ugly purple scars but if it gave me an opportunity to maybe see y/n again, I would do it over and over again without a doubt.

"...And that's how I ended up here. I build up my power in hell 'till every demon here knows my name." Dabi's story made me gasp and almost tear up, I didn't know he went through that much pain. I placed my hand over my mouth and unconsciously scurried closer to him. Keigo was also speechless but he found himself grateful he didn't get his wings cut off when he was exiled.

"Enough with the pity, I hate when people do that. I;m perfectly fine now, what other questions do you have?" Dabi spoke, breaking us from our thoughts. And right when he said that, the perfect question came to my mind. I needed to know.

"Why didn't you tell me about our life in heaven? You knew I didn't remember, so why didn't you say anything?" I asked, looking at him with confusion written all over my face.

"I knew you were gonna ask that" He mumbled under his breath, though I heard it clearly. "Honestly, I was scared that if I told you and you still didn't remember, I would lose you forever and that's the last thing I want." Dabi continued, and I could tell he was completely genuine. If I was in his position I would probably do the same.

"Wait, Wait, Wait" Keigo interrupted us with a question of his own, though I was wondering the same thing. "Why didn't you remember in the first place? I remember everything from when I was in heaven and it looks like Dabi does too, so why didn't you?" He was now looking at me expecting an answer I didn't even know myself.

"I don't even know. When I woke up in hell all I knew was that I was some sort of angel because of my wings and that the gods put me down here" Perhaps this was the doings of the gods, like they cut off Touya's wings' they erased my memories, but why?

"That's weird, maybe you hit your head harder than you thought" Keigo said with a chuckle which made me glare in his direction not finding this situation funny at all.

"That's not important, the good thing is that you remember now so we can be finally together" Dabi said, lifting his hand and placing his index and thumb under my chin, moving my head so I was looking at him. He brought me closer to him, where I could feel his breath against my lips. Is this gonna be our first kiss? Oh my gods what if I suck at kissing? I don't want to ruin our moment, I felt his soft lips against mine in a gentle and delicate kiss that made all my previous thoughts disappear.

What lasted seconds felt like hours for me. Our lips moved in perfect sync against one another, like we've done this a thousand times when in reality this is the first kiss for the both of us and I never want to break it. His hands moved from my chin to my cheeks cupping my face, while mine went to the back of his head where my fingers drowned on his black locks, trying to bring him closer to me if that's even possible.

I heard Keigo make a fake gagging noise that made Dabi raise his left hand and show him his middle finger. I parted a little where our lips were still touching but not kissing. I smiled and giggled a little bit at Dabi's actions but from the corner of my eye I could see Keigo turn his head to the other side in frustration and a bit of jealousy?

This was honestly the best feeling ever and I didn't want to change it for anything. What we didn't know was how our time together and our little pink world was gonna be cut short, very soon. 

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