Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to Kumy, Shonie and Fifi


'I can't believe the love potion didn't work! How could it have stopped working?"

Reyna thought and thought for hours on end, still in her wedding gown, wondering how the Hades the potion had just automatically stopped working.

"I gave it to him, every morning, and it worked then and is meant to last for 24 hours! We weren't even halfway through the day when he suddenly started to love Piper again. That little witch! I bet she gave him something of her own!"

Not once did it cross Reyna's mind that true love is enough to break any kind of potion, and the fact that Jason had truly loved Piper all along in his heart. It was only his head that thought he didn't love Piper.

Another thing that Reyna didn't know was that Leo was hiding behind a wall and was recording everything Reyna said on a Walkman he had quickly fashioned.



Just as Jason had set Hope down in her cot, Leo burst through the hospital doors.

"Jason! Jason!"

"Leo." Piper moaned. "Go away I'm trying to sleep and so is the baby. You've woke her up."

"You'll want to hear this." Leo pressed the play button on the Walkman and watched as shock dawned on Piper and Jason's face. When it had finished, they both looked at Piper. Piper stared at nothing for a while. Then she relaxed.

"Well?" asked Leo and Jason at the same time.

"Well what?" she replied.

"Are you kidding? Did you even here what I just played?

Piper groaned. "Look, I just want to sleep, OK? I want to relax and forget these past four months ever happened. Who cares what Reyna did or didn't do?"

Leo's jaw dropped open.

"And Jason, you are not going to say one word to anyone, except our friends, and you make sure they know not say ANYTHING. OK?" Piper said firmly. She was already starting to sound like a mom.



Piper was tired of fighting. But she'll have to speak to Reyna, and somehow persuade her to leave Jason, her and Hope alone. But how? Piper was getting out of the ward tomorrow. As soon as she got out, she'd take Hope out and find Reyna.

Piper wondered if Reyna could ever stop loving Jason. You can't just turn off how you feel about someone! 

One thing Piper knew for sure is that she would deal with this calmly.

And then, maybe she and Jason and Hope could be left in peace and Reyna could be a.....friend.


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