Chapter 12

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Everyone stared at Jason and Piper and baby Hope as they entered the mess hall. There was one moment of silence, and Jason swore it was the loudest silence he'd ever heard. And then the hall erupted into cheers and wolf whistles. A gaggle of Aphrodite/ Venus girls came over and crowded around baby Hope and cooed over her. Jason was hugely suprised at the reception, but also very relieved.

They went and sat down at their usual table with their friends. Quietly, Jason explained what Reyna had done. 

"Oh my gods! Had she gone crazy?" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Zeus knows what she was thinking, but I don't want ANYBODY knowing, OK? I was hoping we could all actually forget about it and try and be friends with her." Piper reasoned.


Everyone in the mess hall turned and stared at them.

"Leo, shut up, you woken Hope for the second time. Honestly, I don't care anymore, I just want to go back to training, raise Hope in the presense of happiness and enjoy life with my family." Piper said.

Frank turned to Jason.

"Are you going to say anything?"

Jason shrugged. "I bow down to the powerful force that is my lovely finacè."

They laughed. Then Hazed caught onto something.

"Wait, fiancè? You proposed? That's great! When are you getting married?"

Piper and Jason laughed.

"We haven't actually set a date for it yet. Who knows, we might get married tomorrow, next year, 10 years? All that matters is that we're together, and we've got our baby." said Piper lovingly.

Jason smiled and put his arm around her. Yet in the back of his mind, he thought about Reyna, and how she would be on her own for the time being. Jason never thought he'd feel sorry for her, but truth be told, he did.

Sorry for the late update! As you can probably tell the story is coming to a close, so I'll need to this of a way to end it! Feel free to post any ways you'd like it to end! Gigi xoxo.

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