Chapter 2

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"I found out yesterday, when I went to the doctors because I was throwing up a lot, and they ran some tests and......" Piper swallowed. "I'm 5 months pregnant."

Leo sat down and put his arm around her. She must feel so lost and alone in the world.

"When are you going to tell Jason?" asked Leo.

Piper looked at him like he'd just said 1+1= 4.

"I can't tell him, because then he might come back out of guilt, not because he wants to!"

Leo stared at her.

"But, Piper, you have got to tell Jason, this is his kid we're talking about. Besides, you can't hide a baby."

But Piper had thought of that.

"I've been practising this illusion magic thingy, and it has enough power to conceal the bump, so..."

Leo shook his head, honestly thinking she'd gone mad.

"And what about after the birth, and he asks why you didn't tell him, what are you gonna do then, put a magic charm on him so he thinks he knew for months?"

Piper looked at her hands. "I'll cross that bridge when I get there. But I must do this."

Leo shook his head again. 

"I don't completley agree with your plan, but I'll support you through this no matter what, okay?"

Piper nodded.

Leo decided then and there he'd do whatever it takes to help Piper out. But he'd also do whatever he could to push Jason and Piper back together.

Piper went got up, went to the freezer and pulled out a tub of ice cream. Instead of putting it into a bowl, she  just got a spoon out and began shovelling large quantity's of it into her mouth.

Leo stared. Welcome to the world of....... Craving's? Whatever?

Next chapter will be Jason's P.O.V, then probably Piper's or Leo's or Reyna's. Enjoy! GiGi xoxo. 

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