Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Time seemed to slip away so quickly. I should be studying. But alas, the Internet in all of its interactive glory was such a distraction. Before she knew it, Christine Daae had been online for two hours, where the wasted time should have been spent studying for German.

But, no matter how much she tried, Christine couldn't call the time spent on her computer 'wasted'. I love chatting with Phantom...

MissDaae7: I should be studying.

Phantom: Yes, you really should be.

MissDaae7: But I don't want to get off.

Phantom: I must insist you give into your 'needs', not your 'wants'.

MissDaae7: Can't we talk about some more operas?

Phantom: No, my dear. We must save that topic for another time. I cannot keep you from your studies any longer.

MissDaae7: Well, ok. I guess you're right. Whoa, it's already 11... I haven't even opened my German textbook yet! I haven't started my English paper either... I guess it's going to be a long night.

Phantom: My apologies for keeping you.

MissDaae7: Don't apologize. It's my fault for procrastinating. I just don't see the point in taking all of these non-music courses. I'm majoring in vocal performance, not German or English.

Phantom: I suppose the directors of your college believe you should be a well-rounded student. However, I believe your voice should be well rested for tomorrow and that will not be possible due to this course work you have. Do try to get some rest.

MissDaae7: I'll try.. No promises, though.

Phantom: I will talk with you later, Christine.

MissDaae7: Talk to you later.  Have a good night!

Christine exited her Instant Messenger account, closed her lap top, and let out a dreamy sigh.

"Head still in the clouds, Chris?" her roommate, Meg Giry, asked from her nearby desk.

"I was talking to Phantom," the brunette replied distantly, still in her own little world.

"Christine, you're always talking to that Phantom guy. I don't think it's good for you. You're in college now. It's time to meet some new people. Some real people. But really, you don't have time for talking to strangers."

Christine laughed while turning to face her friend. "And you're one to talk, Meg Giry. You're always with Chad when you should be practicing."

"I've been practicing every day since I was four years old," she stated bluntly.  "I mean, seriously, I deserve a break once in a while."

"I'm sure your mom wouldn't be happy with that kind of attitude."  Christine's tone was sly and she smiled slightly.

"And you're not going to tell her... Are you?"

Christine laughed and picked up her German textbook, finally giving into opening it. "No, of course not. But it would be easy, wouldn't it?"

"Yeah, unfortunately! I still can't believe I actually decided to attend the college my own mother is the head dance instructor of.."

"Well, I can believe it. I mean, this is the best fine arts school in the country."

"I know, I know," Meg said with a sigh, having heard that numerous times.  "It's just, this semester only began two weeks ago and I'm already sick of being around her. That's bad, isn't it?"

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