Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

When Christine returned to her dorm room, she was still worried about her feelings from the practice room.

She walked into the room saying, "Meg, I need to talk to you." But, when she saw her friend, she instantly regretted entering the room at all. Meg was locked in a passionate embrace with Chad on her dorm bed.

The couple immediately disentangled themselves when they heard her enter, and Meg let out a disgruntled sigh, obviously not liking that Christine had entered the room so suddenly.

Christine's cheeks turned the color of a red rose. "I… I'm sorry," she stuttered. "I- I'll just go.." She turned and headed back out utterly humiliated.

"Wait," Meg began, but Christine was already gone. She turned to Chad who was watching her with lust-filled eyes. "She said she needed to talk to me.."

"Oh, you'll talk later, baby," Chad huskily reassured before moving towards her lips once more.

Meg gave into his words and said, "I guess you're right," before they embraced and sank onto the dorm bed again.

Outside, Christine began walking the streets of her college campus. She gave no heed to the setting, which would cause most people to turn back. It was dark and there were only a few other students out. They weren't walking alone like she was, though.

Ignoring her inner worries, she continued walking until the sound of her cell phone ringing stopped her. She jumped at the loud sound of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. I don't recognize this number, she thought while studying the caller ID. Nevertheless, she answered on the second ring. "Hello?"

"Christine?" a male's voice came through.

"Who is this?"

"It's Raoul. Do you remember me?"

Recognition came and a huge grin lit up her features. "Raoul, hey! Of course I remember you. How are you doing?"

He smiled into the phone and replied, "I'm great. How are you?"

"I'm doing really well," Christine said while looking around skeptically. She was now becoming aware of her shady surroundings. Actually, maybe I'm not doing too 'well' at the moment, but he doesn't have to know that. I'm sure I'll be fine out here if I'm talking on my phone. "I heard you moved here."

"Yeah, I got accepted to Harlow University so the whole family decided to move to be closer."

"That's great! How are you liking school?"

"It's pretty cool." He smirked saying, "The parties are better than classes, though."

Christine laughed at that. "I'm sure they are. What are you majoring in?"

"Business management. I guess I'll be taking over the family business someday, so I figured that was the major to choose. I heard you're majoring in vocal performance. No surprise there. You always did have such a good voice."

She found herself blushing at his compliment, and she twirled a lock of curly brown hair. "Thank you... It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

"I know. I've missed you, Lotte. We used to have such good times together."

She smiled at the familiar nickname he used to call her. "Yeah, I remember."

There was a pause before Raoul softly said, "I never got to tell you how sorry I am about your mom..."

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