Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Christine wrapped her arms around her body while sitting on her dorm room bed. She'd just returned to her room after having left her angel. My angel? She shook her head. No, he wasn't an angel. He was-... She didn't even know what he was or who he was. All she knew was that the lies were now leading to a great deal of pain. She felt cold and her heart was aching.

If I hadn't left when I did, he was going to leave me. He was going to leave me standing there in that practice room all alone, as if our bond meant nothing. And... he didn't stop me from leaving. He didn't even care..

It was too much. It was just too much. He'd been her angel, her mentor, her friend.. He'd been the one thing she could count on. He'd promised so many things. But, he'd deceived her. All of the trust she had placed in him was meaningless.

And now, she didn't have Phantom either, for he too had deceived her. He'd also been her mentor and friend. They'd gotten so close over the past several months...

It was embarrassing, that's what it was. I'm so stupid. To have actually believed in such a thing as an angel, and to have actually trusted some random person Online. I'm too gullible.

But, not anymore. I'll never be so naïve. Never again.

Erik rapidly paced the basement floor of the music building with his arms crossed and his head down. She left.. She left! I let her leave.. Of course, there were reasons for not intervening. I tricked her. I deceived her. I have lied to her for months. And now, I no longer deserve to be in her presence.. Not that I ever deserved her, but... Being around her felt so good...

I got to know her, I befriended her, and I fell in love with her.

Tears came to his eyes as he continued to think about it. I had no right. To have caused such a disaster is unforgivable. I shall rot in hell for what I have done.

He paused as the inevitable thought came to his mind. She deserves to know the truth.

But, the truth would cause more pain, more confusion. And the last thing he deserved was to speak to her again. Not to mention, she most certainly wouldn't even listen to anything he had to say. He had more than ruined all chances of that. Her 'angel' had deceived her and so had 'Phantom'. She held no more trust for either of them.

So, that was that. She would continue living. She would forget both 'Erik' and 'Phantom'.

And I will leave Ballad. Today. I will go far, far away. I will cease to exist.

Christine pulled into the parking lot of a grocery store and turned off her car's ignition once she was in a parking place. She just couldn't take being at school anymore. Being on campus reminded her too much of Erik, and being in her dorm room near her lap top reminded her too much of Phantom. She just couldn't take it. Of course, she would have to return eventually, but for now she would sit in a parking lot. It didn't seem like a very good place to be, but she had to go somewhere.

The more she thought about everything, the more she knew she couldn't tell anyone, not Meg and not her dad. Explaining everything, which she would have to do in order to get her point across, would only worry them. And hearing about their worries would increase her own worry.

As it was, Christine's continuous thoughts on the matter had begun to make her worry. She now knew that there were two men, neither of which she'd seen before, that knew a lot about her. They both knew where she went to school, they both knew what she looked like, and they both knew everything about her personal life. She wasn't safe.

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