Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Dad, how are you?" Christine asked into her cell phone. It was late afternoon on a Tuesday, and she was longing to talk to him. After everything he'd told her that weekend, she needed to know that he was ok.

"Hi, honey. I'm fine. How are you?"

She frowned. Who cares how I am? It sounded like he was trying to avoid his feelings. "Dad, forget about me. How is therapy going?"

He actually laughed. "Christine, it's not like I go everyday. I go once a week and I haven't gone this week yet. I have an appointment Thursday." He sighed. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. You need to focus on school, not me."

Christine decided to ignore the last part of what he was saying. "I didn't know you only go once a week. I'd like to know more about your therapist, if you're willing to talk about it."

"I see a female therapist and we work through my problems. Let's just leave it at that." Changing subjects, he asked, "Now, how are voice lessons going?"

She had no choice but to comply, although she didn't want to. His problems were more important than the voice lessons she detested. She'd had a lesson with Dr. Gratsia earlier that day. It went better than usual, but the awful woman still treated her horribly. "They're fine. I think I'm improving." Thoughts of working with her angel came to mind. He was the reason for her improvement.

"Without a doubt you are," her father said confidently. "I cannot wait to hear how you are progressing. When's your next recital?"

"I'll be singing Friday, actually. You should come." Christine was incredibly nervous about her upcoming performance, but having support would help.

"Of course I'll come. I wouldn't miss it for the world." There was a pause before Charles said, "Well, I think I'll get off the phone now. Have a good night, honey. I love you."

Christine just didn't know how to handle the situation. Was it right to get off the phone with him, or would it be better to keep talking? She was supposed to have dinner with Meg soon, though, and he did seem to want to hang up.. "Well, ok," she submitted. "I love you, too, Dad. Take care of yourself."

"Don't worry, I will."

They ended the call and Christine sighed. All she could do was hope everything would be ok.

Dinner was uneventful for the most part. Meg and Christine ate with a group of friends, and Christine pretty much just kept to her thoughts the entire time. No one seemed to notice, for Meg was talking incessantly keeping everyone's attention. It was only after dinner when Meg noticed Christine's behavior.

The two girls were walking back to their dorm room. Christine's thoughts were on going to the park to meet Derik when Meg interrupted.

"Christine, you didn't talk at all at dinner. What's up?"

Christine came back to reality and defensively replied, "Nothing.. I was just.. listening to the conversation, that's all."

"You've been acting this way for a while. Is there something you're not telling me? I mean, I hate to be so demanding, but you barely eat anything anymore, you're losing too much weight, you're not talking, you look pale.. I could go on and on. Please, I just want to help you." Meg was really worried.

Christine looked ahead with a determined expression. There was no way she was going to tell Meg her secrets. She could tell her about her father, but that would take too long and she was due at the park soon. "Thanks, Meg. Really. But nothing's wrong. It's just college stress, that's all."

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