Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Saturday passed and Sunday came...

Christine was still struggling, to say the least. All the worry and all the sadness over her problems were really messing with her spirit. Phantom had lied to her, Erik had lied to her, and both had been apt on leaving her. She couldn't get it out of her mind.

She'd had more time to think about and try to process her situation, though. Christine realized what was beginning to happen. She was just feeling so down about it all. It wasn't healthy... And if things were to continue this way, she was going to end up just like her father- depressed.

I need to talk to someone... Well, her options were limited. Meg wasn't around, which meant that she was with Chad, and Christine couldn't talk to her father. He was suffering enough already.

There was one other person, though. Derik. He seemed like a good choice. She'd said she would meet him that night at the park, after all. She didn't want to go back on her word, and he'd always been a good listener.

This is a good idea, Christine decided. I'll talk to him, get everything off my chest, and see what he has to say.

Erik brushed the sleeves of his coat briefly, his thoughts on what was to come. He'd had time to plan it all out, what he would say, how he would say it, and how he would handle the consequences of his actions. There were quite a few things he couldn't control, however, one of them being if Christine would even show up. In actuality, she could have forgotten about our meeting in the midst of her horrible weekend. After all I have done... 

He shook his head. This wasn't the time to dwell on his ever-abundant mistakes. There was much to be done, and it was time to leave.

He left the music building and headed towards the park at a quick pace.

It was 6:25 pm as Christine walked through Sunny Springs Park towards their usual bench. She could see Derik sitting on the bench in the distance, and she smiled. It felt like it'd been quite some time since she'd smiled.

Erik watched as she walked towards him. He was very relieved to see her, but he was also very nervous. It was time to fulfill his plan, and she had no idea of it. Without a doubt, she would leave him when she heard the truth. And then, when she was gone, he would leave Ballad Conservatory for good.

When Christine was close enough, he stood politely with a slight smile on his masked face. All nerves aside, he really was so glad to see her. Before he'd spoken to Antoinette the previous day, he'd been quite sure he would never see his love again. Now that he was seeing the young woman that was the light of his life, he was grateful, even if it was to be the last time.

As she came closer, he could see that she didn't look like her usual self. She looked tired, which had to mean that she was still thinking of 'Phantom' and 'Erik'. Oh, how he hated himself for putting her through this. But, her apparent despair was soon to come to an end. After this night, Erik was sure she would forget him completely. She would force him out of her lovely mind.

"Good evening, Christine," Erik greeted softly, trying to keep sadness from his tone.

"Hi, Derik," Christine returned. She was very glad to see him. He was one of the only guy friends she had left, and he was also the first person she'd talked to since the previous morning. She sat on the bench and he followed suit. Turning to look at him, she asked, "How's your night going?"

Erik couldn't stop staring at her. He'd never be able to see her sweet, angelic face again, so he wanted to make the most of it. Every second counted. Honestly, he replied, "Now that you are here, it is going better than before." Before he could let her inquire that subject further, he asked, "How are you doing?"

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