Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Dear Journal,

I have a goal and, between you and me, it's a tough one. Erik and I have been together for a few months now... (Actually, I keep track. It's been three months and ten days.) But, anyway, my goal is this- to get him to show me his face.

I realize his face is a very personal part of him. I mean, we 'never' talk about it. Ever. I know what's under there must be bad. I love him, though. And he loves me. So isn't it only right that I should want to see the 'whole' him? I feel like it's time. But, I also feel like it shouldn't be spur of the moment. There should be a good amount of time leading up to me asking.

I know what I'll do. I will give him very subtle hints for a while. Then, I'm going to go for it.

I hope I don't ruin everything.

Christine closed her notebook and sighed. It was going to be a nerve-wracking week, most likely.

"I heard that sigh," Meg said, turning in her computer chair to face her roommate. "Was it a good sigh or a bad one?"

"I'm just thinking," Christine said, not really answering the question.

"Thinking about Erik?"

"How'd you know?" Christine turned towards her blonde friend. She always had been very intuitive.

"Lucky guess," Meg replied with a smirk. "It helps that I'm right there with you. I think about Chad constantly."

Looking down at the textbook on her desk that she had yet to open, Christine asked, "How do you get anything done?"

Meg laughed. "I don't."

"Apparently, neither do I." Christine wasn't laughing, though.

Meg wouldn't put up with that weary tone. "Ok, when do you see Erik again?" It was time to get proactive about this.

"Tomorrow night."

"Well, give yourself a goal and then reward yourself. Do some homework tonight so that you can be carefree when you see him tomorrow. I don't like to see you so down over not working. It makes me look bad."

Christine looked at her friend and perked up. It was a good idea. "You know, you're right. I don't like being miserable. Rewards work with me, too, so this is bound to be effective." Meg was always so easy-going about things.

Come to think of it, Christine was surprised at how well Meg was taking this mysterious boyfriend thing. When it came to Raoul, she was all about knowing everything. She had yet to meet Erik, though, and she was actually being really cool about it. She honestly didn't know a lot about Erik. She didn't know about his other identities, she didn't know where he chose to live, and she didn't know about his mask.

Though it would be nice to be able to talk to somebody about him, Erik wasn't really comfortable with it just yet. Christine hoped that wouldn't last forever.

"Get to work, then," Meg commanded teasingly.

Christine nodded and opened her Music History textbook to begin reading.

It was the next night, and Christine was very excited. She'd met her goal and it was time to reward herself.

"Hello, my dear," Erik greeted, wrapping his arms around her and placing a kiss on her forehead. They were at the park, which was their usual meeting place.

"Hi," she returned, feeling most content in his arms.

He kissed her again, this time on the lips. "How are you tonight?"

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