"We're Getting Deeper in this Mess Take Careful Contemplation"

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I don't mind that I know that you're wrong
I don't mind that you think you're right
All I want is a fight to fight
Anything but quiet

Nico X

I don't know how long I sat there watching the pink and purple clouds turn to stars. Despite the tension that was settling, Camp Half-Blood looked serene in the dim shade of the moon.

"Hey... Nico?" A hesitant voice asked, piercing the silence I had grown accustomed to.

Some part of me was glad that the quiet had dispersed; However, I wondered how I looked even remotely approachable. My discomfort must have had shown on my face because the owner of the voice, Aurora, blanched.

"I'm sorry, I could le-"

"You can stay," I said cutting her off and surprising the both of us. "I mean... If you want."

Maybe I wasn't as antisocial as a first impression would suggest, I wondered, or maybe it was the fact that she had looked just as disheartened as I did when someone regarded me as an annoyance.

"Really?" Her expression looked so hopeful I almost didn't regret it. "I mean I wasn't sure if you wanted to be alone, the meeting is over by the way-" Almost.

 "It's okay," I grumbled, grudgingly, instead, pulling my jacket closer to myself.

I watched her struggle to get on the dark shingles of the roof for a while until I gave in and a crack split the unusually icy grass. A skeleton emerged and helped her up. She looked shocked but thankfully decided not to comment.

We sat in constricting silence for about three minutes when our ADHD started to demand attention.

"So..." She started slowly, "Awful weather we're having."

"And whose fault is that?" I asked her smirking despite my situation.

"Mine." She admitted but her voice faltered, I started to backtrack.

"It's okay you know, nobody has perfect control of their powers. Not even after six years." I reassured her.

"You've been here for six years?" Aurora exclaimed incredulously.

"Hey, who said I was talking about me?"

She gave me a bored look.

"I have perfect control of my powers."

"I followed a trail of dead grass here, don't condone that di Angelo." She deadpanned.

"Alright point taken." I paused, then felt the need to add, if just to change the topic, "Wait, what does 'condone' even mean? Are you making up words?"

"It means to pardon or overlook, geez when was the last time you had ninth grade." She said disbelievingly.


"Oh my god," she started, "Wait... you've never...?" Her eyes widened.

I grimaced. "I don't exactly go to school."

"Um. What?"

I threw my head back laughing at her appalled expression. "You put the camp into a mini ice age, saw Jason get possessed, but the fact I haven't been to school since I was ten surprises you?"

She blinked. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh."

"Well it's okay, high school dropouts are not unheard of," she said shrugging.

"I didn't drop out." I mumbled self consciously rubbing my arm. I wasn't sure if I should have been offended that she assumed I willingly left the education system, or flattered that she was trying to reassure me.


I took a look at her, a real close look. She had her eyebrows crunched up, her fingers tapping away impatiently on the roof shingles. Hair hung over her face in too long waves and her legs were in constant motion bouncing along to an imaginary beat. 

I took a deep breath.

"I just haven't exactly had the time for school ever since I figured out I was a demigod." It wasn't exactly a lie but it wasn't like I was going to go around telling people the full truth. Like telling someone you were born in the 1930s and had no way to enroll would ever go over well.

She didn't look too happy about that.

"You know how many times the world has had to be saved!" I exclaimed,  then added, "are you positive you aren't a child of Athena?"

She laughed, "well that doesn't mean you can't learn things. Like seriously do you really only have the knowledge of a ten year old?"

I scowled, "I've learned things. Just not fancy words is that a problem?"

She simply smiled, "nope. That's fine by me."

Something in her easy smile hit me with a wave of nostalgia and I had to look away, "whatever."

"You're very moody you know."

"And you're very nosy," I shot back defensively.

She just nodded, admitting defeat.


Authors note:

I'm such a mess... six months. Half a year. Sorry, things have changed. I got bangs and I can't write very well anymore. (There is no relation... or maybe there is. It's always the little things).

I want to show you guys a picture of this guy that looks exactly like Nico, but I can't. Just know he does. He's adorable. I hate him.

Also I must clarify, Jake Monroe is my own character. I know his name sounds too familiar to Jake Mason but bro please. Jake Mason has been around a long time, he's old. If Percy has left chb, then Jake Mason certainly has.

SORRY FOR THAT WHOLE "SOLANGELO IS MY OTP" thing in the last author's note. I mean it is, but the way I said it was very rude. Ship what you want.

Song~ "The Quiet" by Troye Sivan, who is very likely to be the cause of my death will all his cuteness.

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