Annabeth Chase Gives Me Life-Altering Task

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Jake POV

After I was rudely sent out of the infirmary, Annabeth (Chase!)caught my eye and she waved me over. 

"Hey Jake," she began still going through the papers in her hand, "I was wondering if you could give me a hand. I was holding blueprints for..." Suddenly she stopped and I could tell she thought that she was saying too much. 

I knew what she was talking about though.

 A month earlier the two camps decided that there needed to be a third. Because there was one on both the east and west coast, demigods living in those areas could securely visit either camp. However, there was the ever growing problem of what lied in between. Many lives were lost as young half-bloods refused to leave so far from home, and what was to become of Greeks near New Rome and Romans near Camp Half-blood? The plan was to have one more big camp in the middle and soon, hopefully, we would branch out and make some safe houses in every state. It was a big project, but undeniably necessary.

"Our cabin knows, or at least most of us do" I said somewhat proud to be involved, and she nodded, relieved. 

"Good, so you know. I hate how we have to keep it all undercover, I feel bad for those who don't know. It almost feels as if we are betraying them, you know? Well, anyway I was carrying a lot of plans to Chiron but the wind blew some away." She brushed some hair out of her face and I could tell she'd been looking for them for a while before deciding to enlist help, "There's just one more, it flew in that direction by Nico's cabin and I think it landed on the roof. I was coming to get Jason since the roof is too icy to climb but I can't seem to find him..."

I smiled reassuringly, "Not to worry, I'll find Jason for you!" Okay, so I was a little eager to help the famous Annabeth Chase, let's be real, you'd do the same.

"Thanks Jake." 


No one had seen Jason, but soon I discovered that there was a meeting going on with the head counselors. I sighed and sat down on my cabin's steps, trying to catch my breath. These meetings didn't take too long but for some (annoying) reason some counselors stayed in to discuss top secret things that us lesser demigods were shielded from. 

I figured Annabeth would ask Jason during the meeting, but I couldn't help but feel... useless. This was not a feeling I particularly enjoyed so I stupidly decided to do Jason's task myself. 

It couldn't be that bad... Just getting a piece of paper, off a roof, on the Hades cabin where intruding would most likely lead to immediate death from a skeleton warrior. I shook my head, those were just rumors, Nico seemed like a nice guy. I was just about to get up and go anyway when the ghost king himself made an appearance. He was walking, more like stomping, to his cabin apparently too upset to shadow travel. 

No way I wanted to mess with an angry son of the big three, I almost swiftly made a move to go into the sanctuary of my cabin when I saw Aurora walking toward the very threat. 

I stood there stupidly for a minute before it even occurred to me that maybe they were friends. I did encourage her to make friends, but not with the son of Hades! I realized, however, if anyone knew how to deal with angry teenagers it was Aurora.

Before Aurora could get out of sight I braced myself and sped forward toward the cabin. Even through all the snow I could see dead grass peaking out courtesy of Nico. 

Unfortunately I was too scared to get much closer. Thankfully I didn't have to. Annabeth's blueprint was not on the roof where Nico and Aurora(seriously though?) were sitting.  It was stuck in a pile of snow next to cabin 14, the Iris cabin. It always amused me to see how close the two cabins were- and the utter differences between the two. The Iris cabin was shaped like a freaking pyramid and contained every shade of color known to man, the windows were mosaic, the walls each a primary color, the stairs were tints of brown and tan and the door was a rich hue of black rivaled only by the Hades cabin.

Really it was both the weirdest and coolest cabin in camp half-blood, after mine of course. 

Needless to say this I practically skipped in relief to obtain the blueprint for Annabeth, incredibly pleased at this turn of events.

I looked back worriedly at Aurora and Nico but they seemed to be making surprisingly friendly conversation that left me feeling guilty for ever doubting Nico's simple kindness.


Author's Note


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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