I Suck at Tours.

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Dedication: My eighth grade english teacher. I'm not gonna thank you for pushing me into depression but I will forever cherish you because my Highschool courses are nothing compared to how difficult your class was.

Jake IV


So I'll admit in the most manliest way possible, I was nervous. But hey, try introducing your alternative life to your best friend whom has never kept secrets from you and vice versa.

Imagine the guilt. You see what I have to work with here? I was dreading the question, 'why didn't you tell me this before?'

The best answer might be to just say it straight out. But I couldn't just say 'I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure you were a half blood.' Because, demigod or not, you don't keep secrets from your best friend. They do notice. I noticed it when Aurora refused to tell me about her first kiss because she thought I would get overprotective. And I did not! Unless you consider sharpening your dagger while giving the 'don't hurt her' speech. I don't know what the mortal saw, but...

I think I just proved myself wrong... Not my proudest moment.

"Jake your girlfriend is here!" Leo. "Never mind, she says she's just your friend." Aurora!

I hopped out of bed and exited my work place, picking up the Caprisun that I had sipped dry not too long ago.

Tossing it in the trash I came into the main area of the cabin. People say that the Hephaestus cabin was the largest, even bigger than the big house. You know what I say to that?

They're absolutely right.

It goes underground, it has two floors(three?) and I haven't yet found the end of it. There's a rumor that Charles Beckendorf was the only half-blood to explore every crook and curve. But then again, there was also a rumor that he could turn into a dragon. Not sure if ten year olds are a reliable source.

Not that many people still spoke of him. Sore subject apparently, but I only came here two years ago, a month or two after the war with Gaea, the creepy earth goddess(she's nothing like Snow White, don't be fooled).

Point of that narrative--Charles was dead before I set foot in this camp.

"Hey!" I said immediately when I saw the familiar black hair and nervous expression. I grabbed a random Jacket off the hook and joined Aurora by the doorway. "How's your first hour at camp? Sorry for ditching you back there, I had to check up on my project."

"Is that a fire pole?" What, oh!

"Yep. It's easier getting down that way." I grinned, and more fun of course.

"Interesting." She said, in deep thought.

"Come on! Did you get the tour? Of course you did. But not the Jake one." I closed the door behind us.

"You know Jake, I'd like it if you'd let me answer." She gave me a pointed look.

"Mm-hmm. Anyways I wanna show you something."

So you've probably heard that children of the god of fire aren't very good with people. Well maybe you haven't, but I'm saying it now.

In a weird symbolic crazy way, we are like fire. We are fire. We are too hot to get close too... I guess you can say I'm so hot it burns! Ok bad, egotistic joke. Ignore that. Anyways, we give off heat because that's our function. But soon you don't need the fire anymore. And when you don't, you put it out.

So we distance ourselves. And I, personally, like to disappear. I prefer being the smoke, I guess. So I come here. On the border of camp, the weird place that merges-

"-ake. Jake!"


"Don't yeah me, where are we going?"

"Since when did you get so impatient?"

"When did you get so mysterious?"


"Dimwit." That was not nice.

"Well, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that mean comment." I walked faster, smirking as she sped to catch up. Perks of training everyday. "Alright, so where were we? Tour yes. Well that's a tree, and that's a tree." Aurora smacked me on my head.

"I'm not dim Jake, I know what a freaking tree is." I rolled my eyes, gods who knew new campers were so impatient.

"Alright Einstein, you got me. We are in the woods." I didn't even have to turn around to know she was glaring at me. "Here it is." I stopped and gesture dramatically to the landscape before us. I couldn't help but think how lucky I was to have actually come on a day it had just snowed.

The border of camp merges with the outside world in many places, but usually it's impossible to notice the difference. This is because to honor the seasons we sometimes have light snow, or fall leaves. We haven't really had snow since the goddess had deemed herself our enemy.

There was a large log that seemed to have fallen a long time ago, and a bundle of sticks burned to ashes in the center. Sometimes, I created fire here. I may not be Leo Valdez, but I could keep a fire running.

"Wow." Aurora was looking around in wonder. "After all I've seen today, I'm shocked I have enough in me to be even vaguely surprised." A conch shell blew in the distance, she slapped her hands against her ears.

"Lunch!" I perked up, laughing at Auroras appalled reaction. "C'mon, let's go eat something. All your complaining is making me hungry."





I'm officially not depressed anymore! Yay no more suicidal thoughts! Thanks Nico.

And now is when you guys kill me. I'm not apologizing for being late cuz to be fair I never signed a contract or anything. I am apologizing because it's short. Gah. Well whatever next is Nicos POV which I will never stop loving to write so maybe an update won't take like five months this time...

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