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    with pain comes the truth

It was hard to belive that she was really gone.Hannah  Baker was dead, and even tho Mia states she dind't do nothing wrong the tapes told her other wise. This last couple days have been complete hell for Mia she was dealing with her  feeling  alone she had  her boyfriend Montgomery ,but still she couldn't tell him everything at least not yet.

Sitting in the back of the classroom next to Sheri, Mia looked absolutely stunning she wasn't really paying any attention to class .Her mind was on a million things being one of them her brother.Mia and Clay used to be very close but with the years going by she started carring more about boys and popularity then hanging out with her brother.Mia became a very popular cheerleader captian that hang out with the jocks of Liberty High .Around seven grade she started using make up daily and started using tight clothes so she could show off her curves. Meanwhile Clay stayed the same, nerdy guy,that at friday nigths insted of going to partys like his sister ,he satys at home watching Lord of the rings.

The once inseparable duo that did everything together, was now a duo that rarely talked even tho they live under the same roof .Mia is rarely at home ,she spends her days at her friends house or more specific at Bryce's -Rich popular jock of  Liberty High.One of Mia's oldest friend ,their friendship started around six/seven grade, when Mia started hagging out with people that weren't her brother.

She was taken of her thoughts when Pratters started talking, more specific talking about Hannah.

"Mrs.Bradley , is it possible we could be done with all this ?"Pratters asked,Mia wans't sure if she agreed with him or not .I mean yes it was traggic but it has been a week ,a full week talking about suicide, something that they never ever did before and now that Hannah tragedy happen the teachers and principal were all acting like actualy give a single fuck .

She looked at Sheri just to be sure her best friend was okay, and after reciving a comforting squeeze on the arm from Sheri, Mia zoned out again.


Standing by her own looker Mia was waiting for her boyfriend, Monty, haven't seen the boy all day she was alredy missing his arms around her.

"Hey princess" Mia feels two strong hands around her waist, sending shivers down her spine. Kissing softy her neck and slowly going up to her cheek Mia turns around to be facing the person she loves more than anyone in the world.

"Hi Monty" She says softy as she takes in all the sweet and wet kisses he is leaving in her neck and cheek. Monty put his arm around the girls waist as they started walking down the haul.At this point in Mia's life she was used to all the gossip about her, but no one would ever dare saying something offensive about the girl because they knew that Montgomery De La Cruz would be pissed off, and seeing Monty mad scard Liberty High students more than they could explain.

"So what are we going to do today babe?" Mia wasn't in the mood to go over at Bryce's but she knew that her boyfriend would probably want to spend the day with his friends .

"Well babe, I'm not really in the mood to go over at Bryce's so you can drop me at my house and then later tonight you could step by ?"The idea of not being with Mia the whole day wans't very pleasant to Monty. However he knew this past week haven't been easy for his girl, so he agreed with her plan."Yeah sure baby, whatever sound good to you "Monty replies,kissing the top of her head.

Walking out of school property and almost getting in Montegmorery's car, Mia sees from afar Courtney hugging her brother. That hug send a weird sensation in Mia's body she dind't like Courtney and most certainly didn't want her close to Clay . Deciding ignoring that weird and pretty sure fake caring hug that Courtney gave Clay ,Mia goes in the passenger seat of Monty's car.


When Mia got to her house  from school ,rigth after Monty gave her a ride.Speed it upstairs,just saying a politely "hello" to her parents, Mia went strait to her room .When she got there she took off her backpack put it in the corner and right after she took of her shoes and fell into her bed. At first she was planning on doing some sort of work but before she could even start with that a memory filled her mind.


"How big was the probability of your looker being just next to mine Hannah Baker?"Mia ask rhetorically giving the new girl one of her's sweetest,yet doubtful smiles.While she closed her own looker door .

"I guess it's the universe telling us to be friends "Hannah says,she have only spoke with Mia once before and that was at her party ,and ever since that little  conversation Hannah has been doing everything she can to Mia to notice her.

"Well  i guess the universe is doing a good job "Mia laughs "I will see you around Hannah Banana" And with that Mia goes into her own friend group.Hannah admired her ,she was the only girl in her friend group yet somehow she never heard any bad rumor about Mia. Mia always seemed to know what to say or what to do and Hannah was always mesmerized by her.

 End of flasback

Mia walked down the stairs while on the phone with Sheri .The girls were talking about cheer practice,nothing unusual,for the two of them. Being Mia cheer captain and Sheri one of the best on the team.The two friends were making some constructive criticisms of the other cheerleaders.

That was till she spotted her brother in the kitchen and ended the call ."Hey C.What you doing?" That sudden question looked like caught Clay of guard as he jumped scared for a second and then quickly turned around and notice his sister looking at him. "No-nothing ,just got home from school."Clay as alaways been a very weird person, he doesn't like to talk to people that much and when he actualy does he normaly makes it somehow akward.

"Okay,i will be in my room.Oh and Monty will probably come by later tonight ,just to let you know C" Mia informs her brother ,the two siblings may not have the same complicity but they cared a lot for each other.

"Hey Mia before you go ,do you know if dad got any radio thing to listen to like cds and stuff?" Clay questions .Mia send him a question look ,she wasn't sure what he was talking about and if there was one of them that knew about those type of things was definitely him not her.

"He probably does, I'm not sure.Go ask him"Mia states .Clay nods his head but before he left the kitchen  he asks Mia a question she was not expecting at all "The thing he plays when he is painting ,is possible to put tapes on it right?" Mia body felt frozen.No no no no she thought .That couldn't be really happening.

"Holy shit" Mia mutters under her breath .They were fucked.


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