39-can you hate me now?

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You make not want to leave


Back in seven grade, Mia tried out for the cheerleading squad, she had never been on cheer before, but the dirty blond always liked dancing. She liked the way her body moved with the sync of songs, she liked the idea of everyone focusing on her, she liked the idea of being adored by everyone. She had her hair in two high braids, both of them with a bow on top, she was wearing a demin skirt and a pastel pink shirt. Her blush applied on top of her apple cheeks and glossy lips got everyones attention.

The older cheerleaders called out her name, she shyly walked to the center of the gym, standing right in front of the table with the cheerleaders. They pressed play and immediatly Mia is possesed with the rythem she listened over and over again. Her hand moves to her hair shaking it and the next second she is letting herself go with the music. On the other side of the gym a group of seven graders too are playing basktball, unware to Mia that they as well stoped to admire her.

It was just when the music stoped and she opened her eyes again that she realized what was happening around her. The older cheerleadears stunned with her, the gym boys stoped the game to watch her and yet she felted embrarassed.

Shyly she steped closer to the table where the cheerleaders gathered, playing with the ends of her hair she asked "So how did it go?" the blue eyed older blond cheerleader, that was also at the time the cheer captian smiled big at her "Welcome to Liberty High cheerleading squad" she said. Mia smiled big at the news, she watched carefully as she went under the table and grabbed something. When the captian gave it to her, she realized what it was, the so expected cheer uniform.

She had made it!

By lunch time everything seemed to change, groups of girls calling her to sit with them, she wasn't sure where she should go. Looking at her side her gaze landed on Clay and Sky, ussualy Mia seats by them. But today things were changing for Mia, her social life was about to be born, she could not mess it up. Sky moves to the side to allow Mia some space to sit but the dirty blond, passing by them, shakes her head. She sadly smiles at her brother and friend and moves to sit by the cheerleaders table, she hoped that Clay had not take her choice to heart, she just wanted to be popular.

"I saw you in try outs today" a dirty blond boy said from her side, he as well holding in his hands their lunch. Mia's attention gets drifeted from her brother to the boy speaking next to her, she presses her eyebrows together trying to figure out who he was "Really? And how did I go?" she asked, still satnding in the middle of the cafeteria.

"Awesome" he responded smiling at her, she wasn't sure what it was by the messy dirty blond, but his smile warmed all her insides. It was that type of connection that you only make once in your life time, the moment where you know you have met your other half "I'm Mia Jensen" she said, extending her hand for him to shake, he looked down at it and did the same "Justin Foley".

It was safe to say that when their eyes locked while their hands were pressed together a bigger and unexplainable force bleended the two.

"I'm in that table, with the rest of the boys. You want to sit with us?"Mia looked back at the place he was mentioning. The rectangular table with three or four boys already sat on it looking at Mia, she bitted on her lower lip"My friend Sheri she's with me-" but before she could make any excuse Justin was already shaking his head "It's okay, we have room for her too". He smiled at her in a way no one had ever before, it was so genuine, Mia swore she could tell him anything "Alright, we can sit with you guys".

End of Flashback:

The gun was down, and Mia's heart was able to go back to it's normal beat. Her eyes moved from Clay to Justin to now Bryce. She wasn't scared of him, at all, there was nothing he could do to destroy her "The fuck are you three doing?"Bryce asked as he steped down each stair.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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