31-I'm sorry

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special love

"Good morning you two" Mia said walking inside Clay's bedroom without knocking, Justing was on the couch and Clay sat in his bed.

"Good morning" Clay said accepting a cup of coffee from Mia. Her face twists at the smell "What's this smell?" she asks.

"Justin" Clay clarifies, Mia's former best friend twists in the couch where he has been sleeping "I don't smell that bad" he says annoyed and weak.

"How is he?" she asked watching Justin sleep and ignoring his previous words.

"Better I think. You going to school?" Clay asked noticing her trainging outfit.

"Have to, can't miss cheer otherwise they will take my place. I won't stop being captian" she smirked at her brother.

"I'm hungry" Justin shouts in pain.

"You threw up everything you ate, how can you be hungry?" Clay asked, both Justin and Mia looked at each other.

"Maybe that's why he is hungry" Mia laughed. He watched as Clay walked down stairs to make beakfast to Justin while the other two stayed in his room.

"You leaving me today?"he asked, she smiled at him shaking her head.

"I will never leave you, but I am still cheer captian, so I have my dutys " she joked craking a smile from Justin's lips.

"Is Sheri coming?" he asked, Mia bitted her lower lip not sure if she should tell him  who was coming "What? Who is coming?" he asked.

"Tony, but he is actually really nice" Mia told him, after watching him grab a toast from Clay's plate that he had just placed down on the table she asked "How did you know I was hidding info?"

"I know you better than you know yourself" he smirked bitting again on the toast. Clay walks back inside the room, he stops a few feet away looking in between the two once best friends.

"Justin"Clay calls getting the attention of the two teens "I need your help" Mia's eyes wonder in between the two what might be "Do you know anything about this?" Clay asks handing Justin a polaroid photo. In it's back the words ' He won't stop'.

"Clay what is this?" Mia asks watching the picture in Justin's hands, his eyes travel between Mia and Justin wondering if anyone of them knows anything.

"I don't know" Justin starts spining the photo "Definitely not the pool house, right Mia?" she grabs the photo of his hands, ignoring the twist in her stomach at the sight of Bryce "Yeah, it's not the pool house" she said passing the photo the the boys again.

"So, where is it then?" The burnette boy asks, Mia grabs her phone after noticing it was vibratin in her back pocket, Choel's number showing up on the screen, she clicked on declining the call, remembering herself she would call it later.

"I could ask on of the guys and maybe figure out-" But soon Justin was cut of by Clay "No, you stay here until you are clean, for Jessica" Clay reminds him "I could just show this around" but again he was cut off by Clay grabbing the polaroid from his hand when the sound of Tony walking inside the room by the window echoed.

"No, I got it thanks" Clay mentions putting the polaroid inside the poket of his jacket. Mia gets up from her place next to Justin to hug Tony. "Mia don't leaveme please" Justin begged with his hands together in front of his chest. "Sorry J, but I really need to go back to school, and so does Sheri." Justin looked between Tony and Mia rolling his eyes at the sight of the older boy "I thought he wanted nothing to do with me" Justin spoke.

Tony eyed the boy and agreed with his words "And I don't, so keep your mouth shut and don't piss me off" Tony warned "Don't piss me off" the sick boy spoke.

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