36-the clubhouse

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Don't leave me

Clay had always been, since the age of nine, the most important person to Mia, so when she came back home and was met with a no-speaking Clay towards her, her world shook. He was mad, she knew and Mia even gave him every right to be so. However he would never understand why she did what she did, he never had too.

"C, can we talk, On?" the boy in front of her just walked faster out of the kitchen area to the living room, still not speaking with his sister Clay grabbed his car keys and started to walk out of the house "Clay, just stop this. You are being a complete child" she shouted. The brunette stoped by the side of the car, slowly turning around to look at her.

"Look, I'm sorry I wasn't here, but I needed to leave" she tried to explain but Clay was making no effort in understanding her side.

"Whatever Mia, that's what you always do. I don't even know why I get surprised anymore" he said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Mia frowned at his comment, both understanding whre it was coming from.

"What are you talking about?" she asked, but the boy shruggered, not wanting to discuss that "You leave everytime things get messy and complicated"she even wanted to protest, she opened her mouths a couple of times to do so but no words came out "You leave when situation get hard, but that's not family does. We stand by each other's sides".

But could he blame her, when Mia can't even feel at home anymore, the past memories showing up in her mind to remind herself her true colors, her true blood line.

"You don't understand Clay, and thankfully that you don't, but don't come at me for the way I deal with family problems when my blood one were never picture perfect" the boy still couldn't look at her the same way, shaking his head at her words he said "I might not know what that feels, but I know you have to stop blaming others for the way you act" and before she could even say anything Clay left, getting into his car and driving away.


Who was Mia Jensen? Was she the girl that did something awful or the one that was horrified by the awful thing she did?

Who was the real Mia?

She asked herself, hazel eyes focused on the rear mirror, searching for the answer, but then a shine of another pair of eyes showed up behind her "Boo" she watched the burnette in the back of the car mouthing.

"You're gonna be late if you just keep on staying here and not actually leave to school" Hannah made a point, Mia rolled her eyes at the ghost of her collegue before turning to her"You are the one that should leave" she spoke, Hannah pretended to be offended by the  blonde.

"You know, you should be nicer to a dead girl, you kinda of own it to me" Mia's eyes widened at the burnette's words "Own it to you?" she repeated, making sure she heard it right "Yeah, after everything you did to me, while I was alive and in high school" Hannah clarified , a chuckel left Mia's lips not believing the other girl words.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me, Hannah you tried so hard to make people like you, there are just some friendships that are not meant to happen. Ours was one of them" the blond said arriving school parking lot.

With a final look at her Hannah commented "Then why do you keep seeing me?" but when Mia turned to see her, she was already gone.

Where was her head? It was obvious that none of it was real, Hannah wasn't there, much less giving her all that speech, they weren't real friends, were they?

But it didn't matter now what was going on in her head, the moment her feet landed on the school floor, in that hell, everything would come down to trying to avoid the looks and constant comments.With her school bag resting on her shoulder, Mia walked down the high school hallway. Head raised upwards, as if nothing could knock her down.

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