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It's in the eyes  It's always in the eyes


Hyperventilating!That was how Mia was feeling in this exact moment.The tapes were on her possession. Mia totally forgot how many times she put the tapes in replay .She couldn't belive what she had just heard. Mia killed Hannah Baker.Her and all her friends did .She had so many questions she wanted to aks Hannah but above them all she wanted to apologize.

But then again if she was going to apologize that would mean what Hannah said was the truth and that couldn't be it could it ?

All the things she said about Sheri ?Justin? Bryce ? were those the truth ? It couldn't be ,she needed it not to be true . Yes her group of friends had problems but accusing one of her best friends of raping ,that was a lot to take in one night.

But it didn't matter now she needed to pass the tapes to the next victiam of Hannah lies .So she wrapped it all and send it to her mate Marcus Cole.

 End of flashback


"Hey mom, have you seen Clay?"Mia asks impaciatly as she runs down the stairs ."He just left ,to goover at Tony's, why?"  Ignoring her mother question Mia walks into the kitchen opening the frigde to seen if she can find some distraction .

"Sweetie ,is eveything ok?"Lainie asks her daughter and still no answer."Mia talk to me " Lainie begs her daughter.Yet still all Mia did was smile at her mother before telling her that Montgomery would step by later that night and went straigth to her room.



Mia was wearing a black skirt with some white t-shirt and over both piece of clothing was her black corset.Her black combat boots made her presence in the room noticeable .Her iconic smile was present  in her beautiful features. She had just arrived the party with Jeff , one of her best friends.Mia was going to start a conversation with some random people when someone grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you,you idiot"Kat hugged Mia so tight. She had genualy missed the blond both blonds missed each other a lot.

"God,i missed you too Kat" Getting off the hug Mia notice a girl next to Kat, someone she didn't know."Hey I'm Mia ,Mia Jensen." Mia gives her hand so that Hannah could shake it ,which the new girl gladly did.Hannah could not stop admiring the girls beauty .She was literaly to die for, her hazel eyes were so mysterious and smile seemed so sweet .Her beautiful dirty blond hair was wavy ,and her make up was absoluty on point.

"So what do we have to drink here?" Mia asks,not even acknowledging that her brother was there too."I don't think you should drink Mia" Clay says ,making himself noticeable.Mia turned around and smile weakly at her brother before agreeding with him on that one.

"Okay so it will be a beer to Clay and a sprite to Mia ,i will be back"Kat says as she walks away from the group.

"Stop having so much fun, Clay " Hannah says sarcastly .Now sarcasm was something that Mia was expecialist in it so she couldn't stop herself from chuckling a little at Hannah comment."I'm having fun, totaly"Clay says,obviously lying "Woot" Mia turned around the moment that Hannah started undoing two of his shirt buttons.

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