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Mia  was once again with the boys next to her locker, they were talking about some lame party they attend a couple days ago when the sound  of the bell came from the speakers hanging in the corridors of Liberty High. Monty and Mia said their goodbyes with a kiss  but before Mia could go into her classroom Mrs.Antilly stoped her.

"Mia Jensen, can I talk to you for a second" Mia turns to her group of friends as they give her a confused look. Why would Mrs.Antilly want to speak with Mia in the first day .

"If you guys did anything, you are all in big trouble with me" Mia warned them." M, belive me we didn't do anything" Justin assures the girl.

" She probaly just want's to talk with you because of what happened last year" Zach says trying to calm his best friend, but that only made her nervousness grow.

"Zach how would that make Mia feel any better" Jeff says as he smacks the boy arm playfully. Mia looked at her boyfriend before taking a deep breath and go to mrs.Antilly.

Mrs.Antilly lead Mia into her office that was with two other girls in it.Mia still had no clue why she was there she hadn't done anything neither her boys so there was no reason for her to be there.

"Mrs.Antilly, why am I here honestly " Mia asks the older woman that was sitting in front of her."Because I'm not knew to the school nor do I need some type of advice.So I don't find some reason for me to be here" Mia didn't saw but Jess was roling her eyes at the girl, while Hannah was just observating  her talking. Hannah noted all the details from the way she was standing in her feet, her posture was impeccable Hannah thought. To the way her hands moved while she talked to the headmistress.

"Well, I though that you being cheer caption could help these girls fitting in"Mrs.Antilly said pointig at Hannah and next to her Jess and for the first time since Mia got into the office she acknowledge the two girls looking at her.Two different face expressions Hannah looked happy to see the girl again, on the other hand the girl next to Hannah looked annoyed to be there.

"So you want to force me to be friends with them"Mia aks in disbelief .Before the older woman could say something more Jess steped in "So you want us to smile at each other in the hall" Jess asks, but once again Mrs.Antilly was about to speak but this time Hannah spoke first."And how will that help us, like, directionally"

"Well,the point is "Mrs.Antilly starts "You won't be strangers.And Mia you could help theses girls feel more welcomed into our school". The two new girls look trowards Mia waiting for her to respond ." So I would be there ally " Mia aks. Now Mia loved meeting new people, but being forced to be someone else friend was a totally different thing.She liked keeping her friend group small. Just like on of her favorite artis said "A lot of people know me, but not a lot of people know me well"

 "So, just to be clear, we should smile at each other, at her and at you in the hallway too "Hannah aks pointing between her and Jess then at Mia and then at the headmistress." Sure i would love that "Mrs.Antilly says.

"Listen "The older woman starts again poting her elbows in the table " I'm not under any illusion that this school is a friendly place."She says and looks right at Mia's eyes, was she trying imply something about her  Mia though.

"Can I say something Mrs.Antilly"Mia asks politely "I'm sure Jennifer and Hillary are great girls but"Mia was cut of by Hannah"If we are going to be great frinds you should know my name is Hannah " .

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