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Walking down the haul of Liberty High hand in hand Mia and Montgomery were the powerfull couple ,they had always been ,always will be. At least it's what Mia keeps teling herself. Now that her brother had the tapes everything was different from Mia's point of view.

Mia still remember the time where it  all started , when every rumour started being about Hannah Baker. The photo being the caused of it.


In a little group Justin ,Bryce,Zach and Mia were listening to Justin while he was telling them what happened on his date with the new girl Hannah.

"Did you get to first base,Justin?"Bryce asks mocking him with a high pitched voice tone."Get off me, I'm not saying anything "Justin assure him.

"Second?"Asks Bryce once again."Fuck off"Justin tells him."You boys are gross"Mia tells them leaning  her head against the wall behind her."They are M"Justin says to his best friend ,that played the part of sister to him.

Bryce ignored the girl and started asking once again, making inappropriate hand gestures with his fingers "Third?"aks him."Okay,assholes"Justin starts,making Mia sigh"A picture's worth a thousand words"Justin says.

Mia rolled her eyes at the boys attitude "J you are a dick"Mia states and with that she left the group and joined her boyfriend that had just arrived school.

"Hey babe,what is that all about"Monty asks after hearing all the whistles the boys were giving Justing , putting a arm around Mia's shoulder the couple walked to Mia's looker.

"Justin was just telling us, about his expirence with Hannah Baker ,and they boys were being boys."Mia explains her boyfriend. Openig  the looker door and after grabbing her books both Mia and Monty's phone went on popping the  notification of a new message.The couple locked eyes before openig the file and revealing a photo of Hannah .

Communications class,that was where Mia was now .She was sitting in the same table as Justin  on the sit right next to his.The class had barely start and Mia was alredy with her head on Justin shoulder almost slepping."Hey Mia,did you not slepp well ?"Zach asks his best friend."Well kinda. Monty spent the night at my house so you know Zach"Mia expains to her best friend .

Everyones phones started going insanely on at the same time  and everyone looked at Hannah in disgust.Mia alredy knew what was spreading around and even though it wasn't her fault at all she felt guilty and sad for Hannah.

Hannah looked right at  her ,for a second Mia thought that she may had read her mind. Hannah looked hurt  and betrayed by Mia. She knew Mia could make any rumour dissapeard from on moment to another and yet still she did nothing to help her friend.

End of Flashback

Next morning Mia was getting ready for school when her mother knocks on her door to warn her about being late to school."I will be down in a minute"Mia yells at her mother from upstairs.

"Eggs'll be ready in a minute "Anunces Lainie."Dig into the french toast"Mrs Jensen says while cutting some fruit into a bowl.

Mia is by the coffee machine getting some ."Since when doyou drink coffee?"Mia asks Clay suprised by his decision of breakfast."Since when do we have breakfast all together ?"Clay shots back to his sister."Good point" agrees Mia while she makes her way to one of the chairs at the table.

"It has been almost two weeks since we sat for dinner together as a family .I am nothing if not a realist ,so I am proposing that we have family breakfast every day instead"Mrs.Jesnsen tells them.Clay and Mia look at each other ,trying to see if one of them knew what was going on .

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